The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar String
link Require by
- ApplicationEngineContainerAppReplicaLogRecordnull
- ApplicationEngineQuerynull
- AriaNotificationSlackOauth2ResponseSlack Oauth2 access response to exchange auth code for access token
- AriaNotificationTargetDescribes a notification target for Aria
- AriaNotificationTargetDeleteResultDelete response for deleting a notification target
- AriaNotificationTargetEdgenull
- AriaNotificationTargetPropertyInputnull
- AriaNotificationTargetsMutationProvidernull
- AriaNotificationTargetsProviderDescribes a notification target provider for Aria
- AriaNotificationTargetTestResultAriaTestNotificationTarget holds details about the result of the performed test
- AriaNotificationTargetTypeDescribes a notification target type for Aria
- AriaNotificationTargetTypeEdgenull
- AriaNotificationUpsertTargetInputnull
- AriaTestNotificationTargetInputnull
- ArtifactAssessmentAn analysis done on an artifact is an assessment. An assessment is an operational data that captures user/project visibility information. Domain specific implementation may add to this as appropriate.
- ArtifactAssessmentAggregationFilterInputnull
- ArtifactAssessmentAggregationItemnull
- ArtifactAssessmentAggregationItemsnull
- ArtifactAssessmentEdgenull
- ArtifactAssessmentRecommendationAn assessment may lead to one or more recommendations contributing to other tanzu hub products upsell.
- ArtifactAssessmentRecommendationEdgenull
- ArtifactMetadataArtifactMetadata is a container for additional information about an artifact. An artifact represents the files/images used to deploy a runnable resource whether that be an application, container or VM, not the actual running resource. As of now we support ArtifactSBOMInfo as metadata. Domain specific implementation may add more metadata as appropriate
- ArtifactMetadataEdgenull
- ArtifactMetadataProviderInfonull
- ArtifactMetadataQueriesquery entrypoint for artifact metadata provider
- ArtifactMetadataQueryProvidernull
- ArtifactMetadataVersionRepresents version of an artifact metadata. Each version of metadata may have different SBOM (Or any other future metadata) information.
- ArtifactMetadataVersionEdgenull
- ArtifactSBOMRepresents a software bundle or unit. This is a hierarchical structure where one package may have other packages as dependencies.
- ArtifactSbomContentSBOM content
- ArtifactSBOMEdgenull
- ArtifactVulnerabilityRepresents a software vulnerability that can potentially be exploited
- ArtifactVulnerabilityAggregationFieldInputFields on which aggregation is needed For nested aggregation subAggregations needs to be populated
- ArtifactVulnerabilityDetectionInfoRelationship between a vulnerability and its detected package
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEdgenull
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityAggregationBucketAggregation bucket returned in aggregation query
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityAggregationItemsnull
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityDetailsEdgeEdge type for ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityDetails
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityFilterInputFilter vulnerability entity mapping
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityOvertimeFilterInputFilter vulnerability overtime by cveId or entityId ( supported entity types Tanzu.Hub.Application ) Note: Combination of cveId and entityId is not supported, at any time we can query by either cveId or entityId. if neither is passed all vulnerabilities over time will be reported
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationshipRelationship between a ArtifactVulnerability and Entities
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationshipEdgeEdge type for ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationship
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationshipSummarySummary information for artifact vulnerability and associated entities
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityTypeCountsCount of entities by type that are affected by this vulnerability
- ArtifactVulnerabilityQueryQueries for ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationship
- ArtifactVulnerabilityScorenull
- AuditEventType defining common audit event schema for a mutation
- AuditEventConnectionEdgenull
- AuthAccessTokenAuthentication Access Token response
- AuthContextnull
- AuthContextEdgenull
- AuthMutationnull
- AuthPermissionnull
- AuthPermissionEdgenull
- AuthRolenull
- AuthRoleBindingnull
- AuthRoleBindingEdgenull
- AuthRoleEdgenull
- AuthScopeEdgenull
- AuthUserContextnull
- BuildQueryQuery the build subsystem
- BuildRunA build run resource represents a single request to build an application
- BuildRunCreationLogA build run log represents a log message generated from the creation of a build run
- BuildRunEdgeRelay-compatible StarterResourceEdge
- BuildRunGitInfoA build run git info show git information related to the build run
- BuildRunInputnull
- BuildRunStepA build run log represents a single step in the build process
- BuildRunStepInputnull
- BuildRunUpdateInputnull
- BusinessAppDefinitionInputnull
- BusinessAppMutationnull
- BusinessAppSourceTreenull
- BusinessAppUpsertResponseErrornull
- CatalogA catalog resource represents a collection of software artifacts
- CatalogEdgenull
- CatalogEntityInfoAn intermediate node that holds catalog information relative to this entity
- CatalogItemnull
- CatalogItemDepreciationInfoVMware Application Catalog Application Release's deprecation policy information.
- CatalogItemEdgenull
- CatalogMutationProviderMutation aspect/flavor of Catalog Provider contract, which compliments the CatalogQueryProvider interface.
- CatalogProviderInfonull
- CatalogQueriesInterface defining queries that are available in the top-level CatalogQuery and which must also be implemented by all CatalogQueryProviders
- CatalogQuerynull
- CatalogQueryProvidernull
- CommonAggregationItemInstances of aggregation for a given field
- CommonAggregationItemsAggregations for a given field
- ConnectionEdgeRelay-compatible Edge interface. Please see: [GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification](
- ConversationalEventStreamnull
- ConversationalEventStreamConnectionEdgenull
- ConversationalEventStreamEdgenull
- ConversationalPromptnull
- ConversationalPromptEdgenull
- ConversationalSessionnull
- ConversationalSessionEdgenull
- ConversationalStreamEventThe payload depends on stream's payloadType and can represent for instance graphQL query, graphQL query response, graphql response summary etc
- ConversationalStreamEventConnectionEdgenull
- CostingListPricenull
- CostingListPricePropertyAttributes i.e, related to the CostingListPrice Example: PurchaseOption=ALL_UPFRONT, NO_UPFRONT...; LicenseModel=BringYourOwnLicense, NoLicenseRequired
- Dashboardnull
- DashboardBulkDeleteInputnull
- DashboardDefaultnull
- DashboardDefaultEdgenull
- DashboardDeleteFailureResult of dashboard delete operation
- DashboardEdgenull
- DashboardFilterInput filter parameters for filtering dashboards. If multiple filter objects are specified they are treated as an and.
- DashboardInputnull
- DashboardMutationnull
- DashboardQuerynull
- DerivedDataDocConfigInputnull
- DerivedDataMutationnull
- DerivedDataPaginationPagination
- DerivedDataPaginationInputnull
- DerivedDataProcessingRulesRules needed for derived data query execution
- DerivedDataProcessingRulesInputDerived Data Processing Rules Only one type of rules can be defined at once
- DerivedDataQuerynull
- Document Federation via Document Query
- DocumentEdgeRelay-compatible connection edge containing Document node
- DocumentQuerynull
- EntityPrimary Entity type in the graph, implementing the individual EntityNode interface and with additional fields permitting traversals to other entities in the entity topology and to access other graph nodes with information related to the entity.
- EntityAggregationInputnull
- EntityAggregationItemnull
- EntityAggregationItemsnull
- EntityChangeLogEdgenull
- EntityChangeLogFieldChangenull
- EntityChangeLogNamespaceChangenull
- EntityEdgenull
- EntityGroupDefinitionInputDefinition of a static entity group or app
- EntityGroupDynamicDefinitionInputDefinition of a dynamic entity group
- EntityMetricAggregationValuenull
- EntityNamespace EntityNamespace should probably be defined in ensemble-graphql-common/src/main/resources/schema/common-entity/entity.graphqls
- EntityNodeBare Entity type, implementing the individual EntityNode interface, but without the ability to traverse to other Entities or other graph nodes containing information about the Entity. This type may be used in situations such as notifications where it is not possible to navigate the graph from the Entity information.
- EntityNodeInterface ==================== File contents from entity.graphqls
- EntityPropertynull
- EntityQuerynull
- EntityQueryFilternull
- EntityRelationshipA typed relationship between two Entity instances
- EntityRelationshipEdgenull
- EntityRelationshipNodenull
- EntityRelationshipNodeInterfacenull
- EntityRelationshipQueryFilternull
- EntitySchema ==================== File contents from entity_schema.graphqls
- EntitySchemaChangeEventnull
- EntitySchemaEdgenull
- EntitySchemaNamespacenull
- EntitySchemaPropertynull
- EntitySchemaQuery ==================== File contents from query_entity_schema.graphqls
- EntitySchemaRelationshipnull
- EntitySchemaSummarynull
- EntitySchemaSummaryItemnull
- EntityScopesnull
- EntitySearchFilternull
- EntitySearchInfonull
- EntitySearchTagTags filter. OR is used among values for the same key, AND is used among multiple keys
- EntitySSQLAutocompleteResponsenull
- EntitySSQLQuerySecure State Query Language (SSQL) allows the user to search the Entity model. For more details please see:
- EntitySSQLQueryResponsenull
- EntitySSQLTriggernull
- EntitySSQLValidationResponsenull
- EntityTraversalInputInput defining an entity graph traversal step
- EntityTraversalRecursionUntilInputInput defining conditions to match to exit traversal recursion
- EntityTreeNodenull
- EventAttributenull
- EventEdgenull
- EventGroupEdgenull
- EventGroupInputnull
- EventGroupRecordnull
- EventInputnull
- EventRecordnull
- EventsNotificationRulenull
- EventsNotificationRuleConnectionEdgenull
- EventsNotificationRuleInputInput specifying changes or create to a notification rule
- EventsNotificationRuleMutationProvidernull
- EventStatsEdgenull
- EventStatsInputnull
- EventStatsRecordnull
- ExceptionAggregationnull
- ExceptionEdgenull
- ExceptionFieldnull
- ExceptionFramenull
- ExceptionGroupEdgenull
- ExceptionGroupInputnull
- ExceptionGroupRecordnull
- ExceptionInputFilters for querying exceptions
- ExceptionStatsInputnull
- ExceptionStatsRecordnull
- ExceptionTracenull
- ExceptionTrendInputnull
- ExceptionTrendRecordnull
- FindingDescribes a Finding
- FindingAggregationItemnull
- FindingAggregationItemsnull
- FindingAggregationRangenull
- FindingApproveSuppressionInputnull
- FindingBulkFailurenull
- FindingBulkSuppressionPayloadnull
- FindingChangeSuppressionInputnull
- FindingCreateNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingCreateNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingCreateReportConfigurationInputnull
- FindingCreateSuppressionInputnull
- FindingCreateSuppressionTemplateInputnull
- FindingCriterionnull
- FindingCriterionInputnull
- FindingDeleteInputnull
- FindingDownloadReportInputnull
- FindingDownloadReportResponsenull
- FindingEntityInfonull
- FindingFilterInputnull
- FindingFrameworkFilterInputnull
- FindingGenerateReportInputnull
- FindingNotificationPropertyValuenull
- FindingNotificationPropertyValueInputnull
- FindingNotificationRulenull
- FindingNotificationRuleEdgenull
- FindingNotificationRuleFilterInputnull
- FindingNotificationRuleMutationProvidernull
- FindingNotificationRulesProvidernull
- FindingNotificationSlackOauth2Responsenull
- FindingNotificationTargetDescribes a Notification Target
- FindingNotificationTargetEdgenull
- FindingNotificationTargetFilterInputnull
- FindingNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingNotificationTargetsMutationProvidernull
- FindingNotificationTargetsProviderDescribes a notification target provider for Aria
- FindingNotificationTargetTypeDescribes a Finding Target Type method
- FindingNotificationTargetTypeEdgenull
- FindingPatchNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingPatchNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingPatchReportConfigurationInputnull
- FindingPatchReportInputnull
- FindingPatchSuppressionInputnull
- FindingPropertynull
- FindingPropertyFilterInputnull
- FindingQueryQuery the finding subsystem
- FindingReportReport metadata.
- FindingReportConfigurationReport Configuration.
- FindingReportConfigurationEdgenull
- FindingReportConfigurationFilterInputnull
- FindingReportConfigurationLayoutInputLayout of the generated report. If layout is not specified, the generated report will include all the layout sections, relevant to the report type (columns/widgets/etc.)
- FindingReportConfigurationScheduleInputSchedule of the periodic reports. Leave empty for one-time reports.
- FindingReportConfigurationStatusnull
- FindingReportConfigurationWidgetWidget is a page or report component.
- FindingReportConfigurationWidgetInputWidget is a page or report component.
- FindingReportEdgenull
- FindingReportFilterInputnull
- FindingReportLayoutLayout of the generated report. If layout is not specified, the generated report will include all the layout sections, relevant to the report type (columns/widgets/etc.)
- FindingReportNotificationTargetInfonull
- FindingReportScheduleSchedule of the periodic reports. Leave empty for one-time reports.
- FindingReportStatusnull
- FindingReportTypeInfonull
- FindingResubmitSuppressionInputnull
- FindingsEdgenull
- FindingShareFindingsInputnull
- FindingSuppressionDescribe a finding suppression
- FindingSuppressionAggregationItemnull
- FindingSuppressionAggregationItemsnull
- FindingSuppressionChangenull
- FindingSuppressionsEdgenull
- FindingSuppressionsFilterInputnull
- FindingSuppressionTemplateDescribe a finding suppression template
- FindingTestExistingNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingTestNewNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingUpdateNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingUpdateNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingUpdateReportConfigurationInputnull
- FindingUpdateSuppressionInputnull
- FindingUpdateSuppressionTemplateInputnull
- FindingUserInfonull
- FindingUserInfoInputnull
- FinOpsAggregatableEntityTypePricesQueryInputnull
- FinOpsAggregatePricenull
- FinOpsAuthorizationnull
- FinOpsAwsAccountDetails of an AWS Account. For m1b milestone we will have this type "FinOpsAwsAccount" untill TanzuHub AWS accounts are synced to Hub. Once accounts are synced to Hub, this will be replaced with ManagementEndpoint
- FinOpsAwsAccountEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FinOpsAWSAvailabilityZoneInstance availability zone
- FinOpsAWSInstanceTypeAWS Instance Type implementation
- FinOpsAzureAvailabilityZoneInstance availability zone
- FinOpsAzureInstanceTypeAzure Instance Type implementation
- FinOpsAzureSubscriptionDetails of an Azure Subscription. We will have this type "FinOpsAzureSubscription" until Cost Azure accounts are synced to Hub. Once accounts are synced to Hub, this will be replaced with ManagementEndpoint
- FinOpsAzureVmInstanceAzure VM instance type implementation
- FinOpsAzureVmInstanceRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the Azure VM
- FinOpsAzureVmRightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation
- FinOpsCloudBillingAccountnull
- FinOpsCloudCostSmartSummaryComparisonTimeFrameTime period used for comparison to determine change reasons
- FinOpsCloudCostSmartSummaryEventA Cloud Cost Smart Summary event object
- FinOpsCloudCostSmartSummaryEventConnectionThe connection type for cloud cost smart summary
- FinOpsCloudCostSmartSummaryEventEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FinOpsColumnMetadataColumn Metadata of the Result
- FinOpsCostAnomalyCost anomaly metadata.
- FinOpsCostAnomalyDimensionDimension that helps identify the where the anomaly behavior was observed
- FinOpsCostAnomalyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FinOpsCostAnomalyQueriesnull
- FinOpsCostByPeriodEncapsulates the cost of an entity over a specified time period.
- FinOpsCostPerCPUDataCost Per CPU data
- FinOpsCostWithCurrencynull
- FinOpsDatasetnull
- FinOpsDatasetChartInfonull
- FinOpsDatasetColumnInfonull
- FinOpsDatasetMetadataMetadata of Data Source
- FinOpsDatasetQueryDimensionsLimitInputnull
- FinOpsDatasetQueryInputnull
- FinOpsDatasetQueryResponsenull
- FinOpsDatasetSchemanull
- FinOpsDatasetSchemaEdgenull
- FinOpsDatasetSchemaFieldMetadatanull
- FinOpsDatasetSchemaMetadatanull
- FinOpsDatasetSummaryEdgenull
- FinOpsDatasetTagnull
- FinOpsDataSourceDataRowRepresents a Row
- FinOpsDimensionEncapsulates Finops supported dimensions of key-value pairs
- FinOpsDiscountCoverageDataCoverage Data
- FinOpsDiscountCoverageSummarySummary for discount coverage.
- FinOpsDiscountOpportunitiesSummarySummary for all the opportunities.
- FinOpsDiscountSummaryRequestInputnull
- FinOpsDiscountUtilizationDataDiscount utilization data
- FinOpsEBSVolumeEBSVolume Asset implementation
- FinOpsEBSVolumeRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the EBS volume
- FinOpsEC2InstanceEC2Instance Asset implementation
- FinOpsEffectiveSavingsRateDataEffective Savings Rate data
- FinOpsEntityMigrationQueryConfigInputDefine the lower and upper bound for a property
- FinOpsEntityTypePricesQueryInputnull
- FinOpsEntityTypePriceWithStatusnull
- FinOpsExpiringCommitmentsSummarySummary for expiring commitments data.
- FinOpsListPricenull
- FinOpsListPricePropertyAttributes i.e, related to the FinOpsListPrice Example: PurchaseOption=ALL_UPFRONT, NO_UPFRONT...; LicenseModel=BringYourOwnLicense, NoLicenseRequired
- FinOpsMatchingCloudResourceResponse of the Tanzu CloudHealth FinOps matched resource
- FinOpsMigrationQueryConfigurationInputThe input required by the Tanzu CloudHealth migration engine for a given resource
- FinOpsPriceFinOps list price resource
- FinOpsPricingPricing details
- FinOpsPrivilegeA privilege describes a potential action as a subject, action, and resource to act on.
- FinOpsPropertyFinOps property with name and value required
- FinOpsPropertyFilterInputName and list of values for the FinOps property to be queried
- FinOpsPropertyInputName and value of the FinOps property to be queried
- FinOpsPropertyWithUnitFinOps property with name, value and unit required.
- FinOpsQueriesnull
- FinOpsRDSInstanceRDSInstance Asset implementation
- FinOpsReportnull
- FinOpsReportChartnull
- FinOpsReportChartColumnInputnull
- FinOpsReportChartInputnull
- FinOpsReportInputReport Input
- FinOpsReportMetadataMetadata of FinOps Report
- FinOpsReportQueriesnull
- FinOpsReportQuerynull
- FinOpsReportQueryInputReport Query Parameters
- FinOpsReportQueryResponseQuery Response
- FinOpsReportQueryTimeRangenull
- FinOpsReportQueryTimeRangeInputnull
- FinOpsReportS3Responsenull
- FinOpsResourceConfignull
- FinOpsRightsizingAggregatedMetricThe metrics of the asset in the evaluation duration, The rightsizing additional aggregated metrics, which encompass termination criteria. Note that if the currentMetrics array already contains the same metrics, they will not be shown here.
- FinOpsRightsizingQueriesnull
- FinOpsRightsizingRecommendationEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FinOpsSampleFieldValuenull
- FinOpsSavingsManagementAggregationQueriesnull
- FinOpsSingleValuedPropertyFilterInputnull
- FinOpsSpendBasedDiscountOpportunitiesEdgenull
- FinOpsSpendBasedDiscountOpportunitynull
- FinOpsSpendBasedResourcePropertiesnull
- FinOpsSpendBasedSavingsPropertiesnull
- FinOpsTimeRangeInputnull
- FinOpsUnderutilizedCommitmentsSummarySummary for expiring commitments data.
- FinOpsUnifiedEffectiveSavingsRateSummarySummary for Effective Savings rate.
- FinOpsUsageBasedDiscountOpportunitiesEdgenull
- FinOpsUsageBasedDiscountOpportunitiesRequestInputnull
- FinOpsUsageBasedDiscountOpportunitynull
- FinOpsUsageBasedResourcePropertiesnull
- FinOpsUsageBasedSavingsPropertiesnull
- GuardrailsAccountSelectornull
- GuardrailsAccountStateGuardrails representation for an account state. All top level fields like name, description, accountStateType, accountStateProvider will be removed in future and will be coming from ManagementEndpoint. JIRA for the same VRAE-35809.
- GuardrailsAccountStateEdgeGuardrails Account Edge Type.
- GuardrailsAccountStateMetaMeta information about an account that is needed for desired state run
- GuardrailsDesiredStatenull
- GuardrailsDesiredStateEdgeGuardrails DesiredState Edge Type.
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunGuardrailsDesiredStateRun - It is a point-in-time instance of guardrails desired state run.
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunEdgeGuardrails DesiredStateRun Edge Type
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunResponseencapsulation of one or more runs resulting from a desired state being run
- GuardrailsDesiredStateTargetEncapsulates account associations. The associations are expressed using one or more GuardrailsTargetExpressions.
- GuardrailsEnforcedStateRepresents state that is enforced
- GuardrailsEnforcedStateEdgeGuardrails EnforcedState Edge Type
- GuardrailsLogsGuardrails log information
- GuardrailsRemediationActionAction is a definition of which remediation Job is run when certain criteria are met
- GuardrailsRemediationActionEdgeGuardrailsRemediationActionEdge Type.
- GuardrailsRemediationCriteriaCriterion defines a single condition a finding should met to trigger a remediation Job
- GuardrailsRemediationRuleGuardrails Remediation Rules type
- GuardrailsRemediationRuleEdgeGuardrailsRemediationRuleEdge Type.
- GuardrailsRemediationRunsDefine the 'RemediationRuns' type. Run is single remediation Job execution
- GuardrailsRemediationRunsEdgeGuardrailsRemediationRunsEdge Type.
- GuardrailsTargetExpressionA Guardrails target expression is used to identify target accounts. This can static
- GuardrailsTargetExpressionEdgeGuardrails Target Expression Edge Type.
- GuardrailsTargetExpressionFilternull
- GuardrailsTemplateGuardrailsTemplate - It is a collection of guardrail states as code including landing zone, preventive guardrails, detective guardrails, all expressed as code.
- GuardrailsTemplateCompositionRepresent content of guardrails template along with other content information like content type etc.
- GuardrailsTemplateEdgeGuardrails Template Edge Type.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupGuardrailsWorkerGroup
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupCloudAccountnull
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupCloudAccountEdgeGuardrails Worker Group Cloud Account Edge Type.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupCloudAccountFilternull
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupDeploymentConfigurationnull
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupEdgeGuardrails Worker Group Edge Type.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupJobCodeFileGuardrails Worker Group job code file type
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupJobsGuardrails Worker Group jobs type
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupJobsCodeGuardrails Worker Group jobs code type
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupJobsEdgeGuardrailsWorkerGroupEdge Type.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupLogTODO need to enhance logs
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupLogEdgeGuardrails Worker Group Log Edge Type.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupLogsFilternull
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupWorkerGuardrails Worker Group Worker Edge Type.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupWorkerEdgeGuardrails Worker Group Edge Type.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupWorkerFilternull
- HubArtifactSBOMFilterInputnull
- HubArtifactSbomInfonull
- HubArtifactSBOMInfoEdgenull
- HubArtifactTraitsnull
- HubArtifactVulnerabilitynull
- HubArtifactVulnerabilityDetectionInfonull
- HubArtifactVulnerabilityEdgenull
- HubArtifactVulnerabilityFilterInputnull
- HubPolicyHub policy
- HubPolicyEdgePolicy edge
- HubPolicyIdInputInput details to delete/disable/enable the policy
- HubPolicyMutationProviderMutation aspect/flavor of Hub Policy Provider contract, which compliments the Hub Policy Provider interface.
- HubPolicyProviderInfonull
- HubPolicyQueriesquery entrypoint for hub policy provider
- HubPolicyQueriesProvidernull
- HubPolicyRunEdgePolicy run details
- HubQueryTanzu Hub Query Language is derived from Secure State Query Language (SSQL) and allows the user to search and query the graph model. Until this has specific documentation please see:
- HubQueryAutocompleteResponsenull
- HubQueryAutocompletionCategorynull
- HubQueryErrorInfonull
- HubQueryResponsenull
- HubQueryTranslationnull
- HubQueryTriggernull
- HyperLinkDefines a HyperLink
- HyperLinkInputDefines a HyperLinkInput
- HyperlinkQueryrepresents the top level query node for querying hyperlinks belonging to services with which Ensemble interacts. the returned hyperlinks help navigation to the home pages or landing pages belonging to the respective services
- Insightnull
- InsightAggregationItemnull
- InsightAggregationItemsnull
- InsightChangeLogChangeInsight change log change
- InsightChangeLogEdgeEdge for insight change log
- InsightChangeLogEntryInsight change log entry
- InsightCorrelationRuleInsightCorrelationRule type. InsightCorrelationRule are rules used to correlate Observations and create Insights
- InsightCorrelationRuleImpactImpact of a Insight Created by a Correlation Rule
- InsightCountByCategoryGet count of insight by category
- InsightCountByTypenull
- InsightEdgenull
- InsightFilterInput parameter for insights query
- InsightNotificationCriterianull
- InsightNotificationCriteriaInputnull
- InsightNotificationRulenull
- InsightNotificationRuleConnectionEdgenull
- InsightNotificationRuleFilterInput parameter for insights notification rules query
- InsightNotificationRuleInputInput specifying changes or create to a notification rule
- InsightNotificationRuleMutationProvidernull
- InsightNotificationRulesProvidernull
- InsightQueryInsight queries
- InsightRemediationActionnull
- InsightRemediationRecommendationnull
- InsightRuleConstraintConstarint/Condition used by Insight Correlation Rule
- InsightRuleEdgeConnection edge for Insight rules
- InsightRuleQueryInsight Rule queries
- InsightTagSearchCriteriaFind Insight has specified tag key and optionally with specified values
- KubernetesCapabilityRepresents a capability which is a list of GVKs (CRDs) and is either provided or required by a package. This node is an entry from the cartesian product of capabilities and packages.
- KubernetesCapabilityEdgenull
- KubernetesCapabilityInstallRepresents a specific installation of a capability.
- KubernetesCapabilityInstallEdgenull
- KubernetesCapabilityQueryProvidernull
- KubernetesCreatePackageInstallInputnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetInputnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecAgentTargetSpec defines the Space namespaces and its supported GVKs
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecClusterScopedResourcesnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecClusterScopedResourcesInputnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecClusterScopedResourcesSupportedGVKsGroupVersionKind unambiguously identifies a kind. It doesn't anonymously include GroupVersion to avoid automatic coercion. It doesn't use a GroupVersion to avoid custom marshalling
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecClusterScopedResourcesSupportedGVKsInputGroupVersionKind unambiguously identifies a kind. It doesn't anonymously include GroupVersion to avoid automatic coercion. It doesn't use a GroupVersion to avoid custom marshalling
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecInputAgentTargetSpec defines the Space namespaces and its supported GVKs
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecNamespacesnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecNamespacesInputnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecNamespacesSupportedGVKsGroupVersionKind unambiguously identifies a kind. It doesn't anonymously include GroupVersion to avoid automatic coercion. It doesn't use a GroupVersion to avoid custom marshalling
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetSpecNamespacesSupportedGVKsInputGroupVersionKind unambiguously identifies a kind. It doesn't anonymously include GroupVersion to avoid automatic coercion. It doesn't use a GroupVersion to avoid custom marshalling
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetStatusnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetStatusConditionsCondition defines an observation of a object operational state.
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetAvailabilityTarget is the Schema for the availabilitytargets API
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetInputAvailabilityTarget is the Schema for the availabilitytargets API
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetSpecAvailabilityTargetSpec defines the desired state of AvailabilityTarget
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetSpecAffinityClusterAffinityClusterSelectorTermsMatchExpressionsA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetSpecAffinityClusterAffinityClusterSelectorTermsMatchExpressionsInputA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetSpecAffinityClusterAntiAffinityClusterSelectorTermsMatchExpressionsA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetSpecAffinityClusterAntiAffinityClusterSelectorTermsMatchExpressionsInputA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetSpecInputAvailabilityTargetSpec defines the desired state of AvailabilityTarget
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetStatusClustersnull
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindBindableResourceDefinition of a bindable resource
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationBuildConfiguration is the Schema for the buildconfiguaration API
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationInputBuildConfiguration is the Schema for the buildconfiguaration API
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecBuildConfigurationSpec provides config data required for build
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecApiCredentialSecretRefAPICredentialSecretRef refers to secrets containing oauth token for internal comms
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecApiCredentialSecretRefInputAPICredentialSecretRef refers to secrets containing oauth token for internal comms
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecBindingSecretRefsSecretRef refers to a kubernetes secret resource
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecBindingSecretRefsInputSecretRef refers to a kubernetes secret resource
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecEgressPointTemplateTargetsEgressTarget represents a list of hosts and a port that should be allowed
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecEgressPointTemplateTargetsInputEgressTarget represents a list of hosts and a port that should be allowed
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecImageRepositorySecretRefsSecretRef refers to a kubernetes secret resource
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecImageRepositorySecretRefsInputSecretRef refers to a kubernetes secret resource
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecInputBuildConfigurationSpec provides config data required for build
- KubernetesKindBuilderBuilder is the Schema for the Builder API
- KubernetesKindBuilderConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindBuilderInputBuilder is the Schema for the Builder API
- KubernetesKindBuilderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindBuilderSpecBuilderSpec defines the source of a Builder
- KubernetesKindBuilderSpecInputBuilderSpec defines the source of a Builder
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderCertificateProvider is the Schema for the certificateproviders API
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderInputCertificateProvider is the Schema for the certificateproviders API
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderSpecStaticStoreTlsSecretRefTLSSecretRef
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderSpecStaticStoreTlsSecretRefInputTLSSecretRef
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindClassClaimClassClaim is the Schema for the classclaims API
- KubernetesKindClassClaimConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindClassClaimInputClassClaim is the Schema for the classclaims API
- KubernetesKindClassClaimRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClassClaimSpecClassRefClassRef contains a reference to the ClusterInstanceClass
- KubernetesKindClassClaimSpecClassRefInputClassRef contains a reference to the ClusterInstanceClass
- KubernetesKindClassClaimStatusBindingBinding is a reference to the Secret from the claimed resource.
- KubernetesKindClassClaimStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindClassClaimStatusProvisionedResourceRefProvisionedResourceRef contains a reference to the provisioned resource if this claim is for a provisioner class.
- KubernetesKindClassClaimStatusResourceRefResourceRef contains a reference to the claimed resource.
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupClusterGroup is the schema for the ClusterGroup API
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupInputClusterGroup is the schema for the ClusterGroup API
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupStatusConditionsCondition defines an observation of a object operational state.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleClusterRole is a cluster level, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleAggregationRuleClusterRoleSelectorsMatchExpressionsA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleAggregationRuleClusterRoleSelectorsMatchExpressionsInputA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingClusterRoleBinding references a ClusterRole, but not contain it. It can reference a ClusterRole in the global namespace, and adds who information via Subject.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingInputClusterRoleBinding references a ClusterRole, but not contain it. It can reference a ClusterRole in the global namespace, and adds who information via Subject.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingRoleRefRoleRef can only reference a ClusterRole in the global namespace. If the RoleRef cannot be resolved, the Authorizer must return an error.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingRoleRefInputRoleRef can only reference a ClusterRole in the global namespace. If the RoleRef cannot be resolved, the Authorizer must return an error.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingSubjectsSubject contains a reference to the object or user identities a role binding applies to. This can either hold a direct API object reference, or a value for non-objects such as user and group names.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingSubjectsInputSubject contains a reference to the object or user identities a role binding applies to. This can either hold a direct API object reference, or a value for non-objects such as user and group names.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleInputClusterRole is a cluster level, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleRulesPolicyRule holds information that describes a policy rule, but does not contain information about who the rule applies to or which namespace the rule applies to.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleRulesInputPolicyRule holds information that describes a policy rule, but does not contain information about who the rule applies to or which namespace the rule applies to.
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetSyncResourceSet is the Schema for the ClusterSyncResourceSets API
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetInputSyncResourceSet is the Schema for the ClusterSyncResourceSets API
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetSpecClusterSyncResourceSetSpec defines the desired state of SyncResourceSet
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetSpecInputClusterSyncResourceSetSpec defines the desired state of SyncResourceSet
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetSpecObjectSelectorDefine `apiVersion` and `kind` fields to specify the version of the Kubernetes API and the type of Kubernetes resource. Example - objectReference: apiVersion: v1 kind: service name: ngnix // optional
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetSpecObjectSelectorInputDefine `apiVersion` and `kind` fields to specify the version of the Kubernetes API and the type of Kubernetes resource. Example - objectReference: apiVersion: v1 kind: service name: ngnix // optional
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetStatusConditionsnull
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetStatusDatadata: cl-1: svc-1: .metadata.generation: 1 .metadata.annotations: - key1: value1 - key2: value2 .status: conditions: ... observedGeneration: 1 error: "error applying xyz"
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetStatusDataValuemap[service]rules
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetStatusDataValueValuenull
- KubernetesKindConfigMapConfigMap holds configuration data for pods to consume.
- KubernetesKindConfigMapConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindConfigMapInputConfigMap holds configuration data for pods to consume.
- KubernetesKindConfigMapRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppContainerApp is the Schema for the containerapps API
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanContainerAppBuildPlan is the Schema for the containerappbuildplan API
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanInputContainerAppBuildPlan is the Schema for the containerappbuildplan API
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecContainerAppBuildPlanSpec defines the desired state of ContainerAppBuild
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecBuildpacksBuildpacks refers to Buildpacks specific configuration
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecBuildpacksInputBuildpacks refers to Buildpacks specific configuration
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecInputContainerAppBuildPlanSpec defines the desired state of ContainerAppBuild
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecNonSecretEnvnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecNonSecretEnvInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecPostBuildStepsnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecPostBuildStepsContainerTasknull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecPostBuildStepsContainerTaskInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecPostBuildStepsInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecRuntimesnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecRuntimesInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecRuntimesStepsnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecRuntimesStepsContainerTasknull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecRuntimesStepsContainerTaskInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecRuntimesStepsInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppInputContainerApp is the Schema for the containerapps API
- KubernetesKindContainerAppRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecContainerAppSpec defines the desired state of ContainerApp
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecAcceptedServiceBindingsnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecAcceptedServiceBindingsInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecBuildSpecifies build instructions for this app
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecBuildInputSpecifies build instructions for this app
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecBuildNonSecretEnvnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecBuildNonSecretEnvInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecHealthCriteria for the app to be considered Healthy
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecHealthInputCriteria for the app to be considered Healthy
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecInputContainerAppSpec defines the desired state of ContainerApp
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecNonSecretEnvnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecNonSecretEnvInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecPortsnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecPortsInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesLivenessHttpGetHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesLivenessHttpGetHttpHeadersHTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesLivenessHttpGetHttpHeadersInputHTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesLivenessHttpGetInputHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesReadinessHttpGetHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesReadinessHttpGetHttpHeadersHTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesReadinessHttpGetHttpHeadersInputHTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesReadinessHttpGetInputHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesStartupHttpGetHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesStartupHttpGetHttpHeadersHTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesStartupHttpGetHttpHeadersInputHTTPHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesStartupHttpGetInputHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecRelatedRefsnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecRelatedRefsInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecSecretEnvnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecSecretEnvInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecSecretEnvSecretKeyRefnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecSecretEnvSecretKeyRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppStatusConditionsnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppStatusReplicasnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppStatusReplicasConditionsnull
- KubernetesKindCredentialCredential is the Schema for the credentials API
- KubernetesKindCredentialConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindCredentialInputCredential is the Schema for the credentials API
- KubernetesKindCredentialSpecAwsCredentialarn associated with the permission template
- KubernetesKindCredentialSpecAwsCredentialInputarn associated with the permission template
- KubernetesKindCredentialStatusCredentialStatus defines the observed state of Credential
- KubernetesKindCredentialStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindCredentialStatusTemplatepermission template metadata from account manager
- KubernetesKindCredentialStatusTemplateTemplateValuespermission template values
- KubernetesKindDNSProvidernull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecDNSProviderSpec defines the desired state of DNSProvider
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecHealthchecknull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecHealthcheckHeaderHeader
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecHealthcheckHeaderInputHeader
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecHealthcheckInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecInputDNSProviderSpec defines the desired state of DNSProvider
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecProviderAviGSLBnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecProviderAviGSLBInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecProviderAviGSLBSecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecProviderAviGSLBSecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecProviderRoute53SecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecProviderRoute53SecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicynull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicySpecAviGSLBWeightednull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicySpecAviGSLBWeightedInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicySpecRoute53Weightednull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicySpecRoute53WeightedInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindDomainnull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingDomainBinding CRD defines the connection between a Domain and a Space
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingInputDomainBinding CRD defines the connection between a Domain and a Space
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingSpecDomainBindingSpec defines the desired state of DomainBinding
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingSpecAutoAssignnull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingSpecAutoAssignInputnull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingSpecInputDomainBindingSpec defines the desired state of DomainBinding
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingStatusAddressesnull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingStatusAddressesSpaceReplicasnull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindDomainConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindDomainInputnull
- KubernetesKindDomainRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDomainSpecAllowednull
- KubernetesKindDomainSpecAllowedInputnull
- KubernetesKindDomainSpecCertificateProviderRefnull
- KubernetesKindDomainSpecCertificateProviderRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindDomainSpecDnsProviderRefnull
- KubernetesKindDomainSpecDnsProviderRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindDomainStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindEgressPointEgressPoint is the Schema for the egresspoints API
- KubernetesKindEgressPointConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindEgressPointInputEgressPoint is the Schema for the egresspoints API
- KubernetesKindEgressPointRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEgressPointSpecSourceRefA TypedLocalObjectReference to which the egress rules will apply specifically. Currently only supports apps.Deployment and
- KubernetesKindEgressPointSpecSourceRefInputA TypedLocalObjectReference to which the egress rules will apply specifically. Currently only supports apps.Deployment and
- KubernetesKindEgressPointSpecTargetsEgressTarget represents a list of hosts and a port that should be allowed
- KubernetesKindEgressPointSpecTargetsInputEgressTarget represents a list of hosts and a port that should be allowed
- KubernetesKindEgressPointStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterEKSCluster is the Schema for the EKSCluster API
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterInputEKSCluster is the Schema for the EKSCluster API
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecEKSClusterSpec defines the desired state of EKSCluster
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecInputEKSClusterSpec defines the desired state of EKSCluster
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecNetworknull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecNetworkInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecRoleArnnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecRoleArnInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusEKSClusterStatus defines the observed state of EKSCluster
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusAllocationCpunull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusAllocationMemorynull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusHealthInfonull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusHealthInfoControllerManagerHealthnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusHealthInfoEtcdHealthnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusHealthInfoSchedulerHealthnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusKubeconfigSecretRefSecretReference represents a Secret Reference. It has enough information to retrieve secret in any namespace
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusKubernetesClusterRefObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. --- New uses of this type are discouraged because of difficulty describing its usage when embedded in APIs. 1. Ignored fields. It includes many fields which are not generally honored. For instance, ResourceVersion and FieldPath are both very rarely valid in actual usage. 2. Invalid usage help. It is impossible to add specific help for individual usage. In most embedded usages, there are particular restrictions like, "must refer only to types A and B" or "UID not honored" or "name must be restricted". Those cannot be well described when embedded. 3. Inconsistent validation. Because the usages are different, the validation rules are different by usage, which makes it hard for users to predict what will happen. 4. The fields are both imprecise and overly precise. Kind is not a precise mapping to a URL. This can produce ambiguity during interpretation and require a REST mapping. In most cases, the dependency is on the group,resource tuple and the version of the actual struct is irrelevant. 5. We cannot easily change it. Because this type is embedded in many locations, updates to this type will affect numerous schemas. Don't make new APIs embed an underspecified API type they do not control. Instead of using this type, create a locally provided and used type that is well-focused on your reference. For example, ServiceReferences for admission registration: .
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolEKSNodepool is the Schema for the EKSNodepool API
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolInputEKSNodepool is the Schema for the EKSNodepool API
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecEKSNodepoolSpec defines the desired state of EKSNodepool
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecAmiInfonull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecAmiInfoInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecInputEKSNodepoolSpec defines the desired state of EKSNodepool
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecLaunchTemplatenull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecLaunchTemplateInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecNetworknull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecNetworkInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecNetworkRemoteAccessnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecNetworkRemoteAccessInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecTaintsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecTaintsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecTopologynull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecTopologyInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolStatusEKSNodepoolStatus defines the observed state of EKSNodepool
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionEKSOption is the Schema for the EKSOption API
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionInputEKSOption is the Schema for the EKSOption API
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecKubernetesVersionsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecKubernetesVersionsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsAmisnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsAmisInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsAmisInstancesnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsAmisInstancesInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsImagesnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsImagesInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsLaunchTemplatesnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsLaunchTemplatesInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsLaunchTemplatesVersionsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsLaunchTemplatesVersionsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsReleaseVersionsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsReleaseVersionsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsVpcsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsVpcsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsVpcsSecurityGroupsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsVpcsSecurityGroupsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsVpcsSubnetsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsVpcsSubnetsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRolesnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRolesInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionStatusnull
- KubernetesKindEventEvent is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster.
- KubernetesKindEventConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindEventInputEvent is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster.
- KubernetesKindEventInvolvedObjectThe object that this event is about.
- KubernetesKindEventInvolvedObjectInputThe object that this event is about.
- KubernetesKindEventRelatedOptional secondary object for more complex actions.
- KubernetesKindEventRelatedInputOptional secondary object for more complex actions.
- KubernetesKindEventRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEventSeriesData about the Event series this event represents or nil if it's a singleton Event.
- KubernetesKindEventSeriesInputData about the Event series this event represents or nil if it's a singleton Event.
- KubernetesKindEventSourceThe component reporting this event. Should be a short machine understandable string.
- KubernetesKindEventSourceInputThe component reporting this event. Should be a short machine understandable string.
- KubernetesKindEvictionEviction evicts a managed namespace from its scheduled cluster subject to space disruption budget
- KubernetesKindEvictionConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindEvictionInputEviction evicts a managed namespace from its scheduled cluster subject to space disruption budget
- KubernetesKindEvictionRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecDeleteOptionsDeleteOptions may be provided
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecDeleteOptionsInputDeleteOptions may be provided
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecDeleteOptionsPreconditionsMust be fulfilled before a deletion is carried out. If not possible, a 409 Conflict status will be returned.
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecDeleteOptionsPreconditionsInputMust be fulfilled before a deletion is carried out. If not possible, a 409 Conflict status will be returned.
- KubernetesKindEvictionStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeHealthProbe is the Schema for the HealthProbe API
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeInputHealthProbe is the Schema for the HealthProbe API
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeSpecConditionnull
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeSpecConditionInputnull
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeStatusSpaceReplicasnull
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteHTTPRoute provides a way to route HTTP requests. This includes the capability to match requests by hostname, path, header, or query param. Filters can be used to specify additional processing steps. Backends specify where matching requests should be routed.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteInputHTTPRoute provides a way to route HTTP requests. This includes the capability to match requests by hostname, path, header, or query param. Filters can be used to specify additional processing steps. Backends specify where matching requests should be routed.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecSpec defines the desired state of HTTPRoute.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecInputSpec defines the desired state of HTTPRoute.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecParentRefsParentReference identifies an API object (usually a Gateway) that can be considered a parent of this resource (usually a route). There are two kinds of parent resources with "Core" support: * Gateway (Gateway conformance profile) * Service (Mesh conformance profile, experimental, ClusterIP Services only) This API may be extended in the future to support additional kinds of parent resources. The API object must be valid in the cluster; the Group and Kind must be registered in the cluster for this reference to be valid.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecParentRefsInputParentReference identifies an API object (usually a Gateway) that can be considered a parent of this resource (usually a route). There are two kinds of parent resources with "Core" support: * Gateway (Gateway conformance profile) * Service (Mesh conformance profile, experimental, ClusterIP Services only) This API may be extended in the future to support additional kinds of parent resources. The API object must be valid in the cluster; the Group and Kind must be registered in the cluster for this reference to be valid.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsHTTPBackendRef defines how a HTTPRoute should forward an HTTP request.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersExtensionRefExtensionRef is an optional, implementation-specific extension to the "filter" behavior. For example, resource "myroutefilter" in group ""). ExtensionRef MUST NOT be used for core and extended filters. This filter can be used multiple times within the same rule. Support: Implementation-specific
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersExtensionRefInputExtensionRef is an optional, implementation-specific extension to the "filter" behavior. For example, resource "myroutefilter" in group ""). ExtensionRef MUST NOT be used for core and extended filters. This filter can be used multiple times within the same rule. Support: Implementation-specific
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestHeaderModifierRequestHeaderModifier defines a schema for a filter that modifies request headers. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestHeaderModifierAddHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestHeaderModifierAddInputHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestHeaderModifierInputRequestHeaderModifier defines a schema for a filter that modifies request headers. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestHeaderModifierSetHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestHeaderModifierSetInputHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestMirrorBackendRefBackendRef references a resource where mirrored requests are sent. Mirrored requests must be sent only to a single destination endpoint within this BackendRef, irrespective of how many endpoints are present within this BackendRef. If the referent cannot be found, this BackendRef is invalid and must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route status is set to `status: False` and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. If there is a cross-namespace reference to an *existing* object that is not allowed by a ReferenceGrant, the controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route is set to `status: False`, with the "RefNotPermitted" reason and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. In either error case, the Message of the `ResolvedRefs` Condition should be used to provide more detail about the problem. Support: Extended for Kubernetes Service Support: Implementation-specific for any other resource
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestMirrorBackendRefInputBackendRef references a resource where mirrored requests are sent. Mirrored requests must be sent only to a single destination endpoint within this BackendRef, irrespective of how many endpoints are present within this BackendRef. If the referent cannot be found, this BackendRef is invalid and must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route status is set to `status: False` and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. If there is a cross-namespace reference to an *existing* object that is not allowed by a ReferenceGrant, the controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route is set to `status: False`, with the "RefNotPermitted" reason and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. In either error case, the Message of the `ResolvedRefs` Condition should be used to provide more detail about the problem. Support: Extended for Kubernetes Service Support: Implementation-specific for any other resource
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestRedirectRequestRedirect defines a schema for a filter that responds to the request with an HTTP redirection. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestRedirectInputRequestRedirect defines a schema for a filter that responds to the request with an HTTP redirection. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestRedirectPathPath defines parameters used to modify the path of the incoming request. The modified path is then used to construct the `Location` header. When empty, the request path is used as-is. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestRedirectPathInputPath defines parameters used to modify the path of the incoming request. The modified path is then used to construct the `Location` header. When empty, the request path is used as-is. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersResponseHeaderModifierResponseHeaderModifier defines a schema for a filter that modifies response headers. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersResponseHeaderModifierAddHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersResponseHeaderModifierAddInputHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersResponseHeaderModifierInputResponseHeaderModifier defines a schema for a filter that modifies response headers. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersResponseHeaderModifierSetHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersResponseHeaderModifierSetInputHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersUrlRewriteURLRewrite defines a schema for a filter that modifies a request during forwarding. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersUrlRewriteInputURLRewrite defines a schema for a filter that modifies a request during forwarding. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersUrlRewritePathPath defines a path rewrite. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersUrlRewritePathInputPath defines a path rewrite. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsInputHTTPBackendRef defines how a HTTPRoute should forward an HTTP request.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersExtensionRefExtensionRef is an optional, implementation-specific extension to the "filter" behavior. For example, resource "myroutefilter" in group ""). ExtensionRef MUST NOT be used for core and extended filters. This filter can be used multiple times within the same rule. Support: Implementation-specific
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersExtensionRefInputExtensionRef is an optional, implementation-specific extension to the "filter" behavior. For example, resource "myroutefilter" in group ""). ExtensionRef MUST NOT be used for core and extended filters. This filter can be used multiple times within the same rule. Support: Implementation-specific
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestHeaderModifierRequestHeaderModifier defines a schema for a filter that modifies request headers. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestHeaderModifierAddHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestHeaderModifierAddInputHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestHeaderModifierInputRequestHeaderModifier defines a schema for a filter that modifies request headers. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestHeaderModifierSetHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestHeaderModifierSetInputHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestMirrorBackendRefBackendRef references a resource where mirrored requests are sent. Mirrored requests must be sent only to a single destination endpoint within this BackendRef, irrespective of how many endpoints are present within this BackendRef. If the referent cannot be found, this BackendRef is invalid and must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route status is set to `status: False` and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. If there is a cross-namespace reference to an *existing* object that is not allowed by a ReferenceGrant, the controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route is set to `status: False`, with the "RefNotPermitted" reason and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. In either error case, the Message of the `ResolvedRefs` Condition should be used to provide more detail about the problem. Support: Extended for Kubernetes Service Support: Implementation-specific for any other resource
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestMirrorBackendRefInputBackendRef references a resource where mirrored requests are sent. Mirrored requests must be sent only to a single destination endpoint within this BackendRef, irrespective of how many endpoints are present within this BackendRef. If the referent cannot be found, this BackendRef is invalid and must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route status is set to `status: False` and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. If there is a cross-namespace reference to an *existing* object that is not allowed by a ReferenceGrant, the controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route is set to `status: False`, with the "RefNotPermitted" reason and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. In either error case, the Message of the `ResolvedRefs` Condition should be used to provide more detail about the problem. Support: Extended for Kubernetes Service Support: Implementation-specific for any other resource
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestRedirectRequestRedirect defines a schema for a filter that responds to the request with an HTTP redirection. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestRedirectInputRequestRedirect defines a schema for a filter that responds to the request with an HTTP redirection. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestRedirectPathPath defines parameters used to modify the path of the incoming request. The modified path is then used to construct the `Location` header. When empty, the request path is used as-is. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestRedirectPathInputPath defines parameters used to modify the path of the incoming request. The modified path is then used to construct the `Location` header. When empty, the request path is used as-is. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersResponseHeaderModifierResponseHeaderModifier defines a schema for a filter that modifies response headers. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersResponseHeaderModifierAddHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersResponseHeaderModifierAddInputHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersResponseHeaderModifierInputResponseHeaderModifier defines a schema for a filter that modifies response headers. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersResponseHeaderModifierSetHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersResponseHeaderModifierSetInputHTTPHeader represents an HTTP Header name and value as defined by RFC 7230.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersUrlRewriteURLRewrite defines a schema for a filter that modifies a request during forwarding. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersUrlRewriteInputURLRewrite defines a schema for a filter that modifies a request during forwarding. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersUrlRewritePathPath defines a path rewrite. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersUrlRewritePathInputPath defines a path rewrite. Support: Extended
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesMatchesHeadersHTTPHeaderMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching HTTP request headers.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesMatchesHeadersInputHTTPHeaderMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching HTTP request headers.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesMatchesPathPath specifies a HTTP request path matcher. If this field is not specified, a default prefix match on the "/" path is provided.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesMatchesPathInputPath specifies a HTTP request path matcher. If this field is not specified, a default prefix match on the "/" path is provided.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesMatchesQueryParamsHTTPQueryParamMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching HTTP query parameters.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesMatchesQueryParamsInputHTTPQueryParamMatch describes how to select a HTTP route by matching HTTP query parameters.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteStatusParentsRouteParentStatus describes the status of a route with respect to an associated Parent.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteStatusParentsConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteStatusParentsParentRefParentRef corresponds with a ParentRef in the spec that this RouteParentStatus struct describes the status of.
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterKubernetesCluster is the Schema for the KubernetesCluster API
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterInputKubernetesCluster is the Schema for the KubernetesCluster API
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterStatusKubernetesClusterStatus defines the observed state of KubernetesCluster
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterStatusAgentsnull
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterStatusAgentsValueRefsObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. --- New uses of this type are discouraged because of difficulty describing its usage when embedded in APIs. 1. Ignored fields. It includes many fields which are not generally honored. For instance, ResourceVersion and FieldPath are both very rarely valid in actual usage. 2. Invalid usage help. It is impossible to add specific help for individual usage. In most embedded usages, there are particular restrictions like, "must refer only to types A and B" or "UID not honored" or "name must be restricted". Those cannot be well described when embedded. 3. Inconsistent validation. Because the usages are different, the validation rules are different by usage, which makes it hard for users to predict what will happen. 4. The fields are both imprecise and overly precise. Kind is not a precise mapping to a URL. This can produce ambiguity during interpretation and require a REST mapping. In most cases, the dependency is on the group,resource tuple and the version of the actual struct is irrelevant. 5. We cannot easily change it. Because this type is embedded in many locations, updates to this type will affect numerous schemas. Don't make new APIs embed an underspecified API type they do not control. Instead of using this type, create a locally provided and used type that is well-focused on your reference. For example, ServiceReferences for admission registration: .
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterStatusCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterStatusKubeconfigSecretRefSecretReference represents a Secret Reference. It has enough information to retrieve secret in any namespace
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeLimitRange sets resource usage limits for each kind of resource in a Namespace.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeInputLimitRange sets resource usage limits for each kind of resource in a Namespace.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeSpecLimitsLimitRangeItem defines a min/max usage limit for any resource that matches on kind.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeSpecLimitsDefaultInputDefault resource requirement limit value by resource name if resource limit is omitted.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeSpecLimitsDefaultRequestInputDefaultRequest is the default resource requirement request value by resource name if resource request is omitted.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeSpecLimitsInputLimitRangeItem defines a min/max usage limit for any resource that matches on kind.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeSpecLimitsMaxInputMax usage constraints on this kind by resource name.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeSpecLimitsMaxLimitRequestRatioInputMaxLimitRequestRatio if specified, the named resource must have a request and limit that are both non-zero where limit divided by request is less than or equal to the enumerated value; this represents the max burst for the named resource.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeSpecLimitsMinInputMin usage constraints on this kind by resource name.
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceManagedNamespace is the Schema for the managednamespaces API
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceInputManagedNamespace is the Schema for the managednamespaces API
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetManagedNamespaceSet is the Schema for the managednamespacesets API
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetInputManagedNamespaceSet is the Schema for the managednamespacesets API
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecAvailabilityTargetsInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesRequiredCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesRequiredCapabilitiesInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsCarvelPackagesnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsCarvelPackagesInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsCarvelPackagesVersionSelectionnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsCarvelPackagesVersionSelectionInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecResourcesClaimsResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecResourcesClaimsInputResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecResourcesLimitsInputLimits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed. More info:
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecTemplateSpecResourcesRequestsInputRequests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits. More info:
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetStatusAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetStatusProvidedCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecAvailabilityTargetnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecAvailabilityTargetInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesRequiredCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesRequiredCapabilitiesInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsCarvelPackagesnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsCarvelPackagesInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsCarvelPackagesVersionSelectionnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsCarvelPackagesVersionSelectionInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesTraitsInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecResourcesClaimsResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecResourcesClaimsInputResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecResourcesLimitsInputLimits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed. More info:
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecTemplateSpecResourcesRequestsInputRequests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits. More info:
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceStatusPlacementnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceStatusPlacementClusternull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceStatusProvidedCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindMutateAgentTargetMutator for AgentTarget
- KubernetesKindMutateAvailabilityTargetMutator for AvailabilityTarget
- KubernetesKindMutateBuildConfigurationMutator for BuildConfiguration
- KubernetesKindMutateBuilderMutator for Builder
- KubernetesKindMutateCertificateProviderMutator for CertificateProvider
- KubernetesKindMutateClassClaimMutator for ClassClaim
- KubernetesKindMutateClusterGroupMutator for ClusterGroup
- KubernetesKindMutateClusterRoleMutator for ClusterRole
- KubernetesKindMutateClusterRoleBindingMutator for ClusterRoleBinding
- KubernetesKindMutateClusterSyncResourceSetMutator for ClusterSyncResourceSet
- KubernetesKindMutateConfigMapMutator for ConfigMap
- KubernetesKindMutateContainerAppMutator for ContainerApp
- KubernetesKindMutateContainerAppBuildPlanMutator for ContainerAppBuildPlan
- KubernetesKindMutateCredentialMutator for Credential
- KubernetesKindMutateDNSProviderMutator for DNSProvider
- KubernetesKindMutateDNSRoutingPolicyMutator for DNSRoutingPolicy
- KubernetesKindMutateDomainMutator for Domain
- KubernetesKindMutateDomainBindingMutator for DomainBinding
- KubernetesKindMutateEgressPointMutator for EgressPoint
- KubernetesKindMutateEKSClusterMutator for EKSCluster
- KubernetesKindMutateEKSNodepoolMutator for EKSNodepool
- KubernetesKindMutateEKSOptionMutator for EKSOption
- KubernetesKindMutateEventMutator for Event
- KubernetesKindMutateEvictionMutator for Eviction
- KubernetesKindMutateHealthProbeMutator for HealthProbe
- KubernetesKindMutateHTTPRouteMutator for HTTPRoute
- KubernetesKindMutateKubernetesClusterMutator for KubernetesCluster
- KubernetesKindMutateLimitRangeMutator for LimitRange
- KubernetesKindMutateManagedNamespaceMutator for ManagedNamespace
- KubernetesKindMutateManagedNamespaceSetMutator for ManagedNamespaceSet
- KubernetesKindMutateNamedTaskMutator for NamedTask
- KubernetesKindMutateNamespaceMutator for Namespace
- KubernetesKindMutateNetworkNeighborSetMutator for NetworkNeighborSet
- KubernetesKindMutatePackageMutator for Package
- KubernetesKindMutatePackageInstallMutator for PackageInstall
- KubernetesKindMutatePackageMetadataMutator for PackageMetadata
- KubernetesKindMutatePackageRepositoryMutator for PackageRepository
- KubernetesKindMutatePodSecurityPolicyMutator for PodSecurityPolicy
- KubernetesKindMutatePreProvisionedServiceMutator for PreProvisionedService
- KubernetesKindMutateProfileMutator for Profile
- KubernetesKindMutateProjectMutator for Project
- KubernetesKindMutateRoleMutator for Role
- KubernetesKindMutateRoleBindingMutator for RoleBinding
- KubernetesKindMutateSecretMutator for Secret
- KubernetesKindMutateSecretExportMutator for SecretExport
- KubernetesKindMutateServiceAccountMutator for ServiceAccount
- KubernetesKindMutateServiceBindingMutator for ServiceBinding
- KubernetesKindMutateSpaceMutator for Space
- KubernetesKindMutateSpaceDisruptionBudgetMutator for SpaceDisruptionBudget
- KubernetesKindMutateSpaceOutputMutator for SpaceOutput
- KubernetesKindMutateSpringCloudGatewayMappingMutator for SpringCloudGatewayMapping
- KubernetesKindMutateSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigMutator for SpringCloudGatewayRouteConfig
- KubernetesKindMutateSyncResourceSetMutator for SyncResourceSet
- KubernetesKindMutateTraitMutator for Trait
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskNamedTask is the Schema for the NamedTask API
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskInputNamedTask is the Schema for the NamedTask API
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskSpecNamedTaskSpec defines the source of a namedtask
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskSpecInputNamedTaskSpec defines the source of a namedtask
- KubernetesKindNamespaceNamespace provides a scope for Names. Use of multiple namespaces is optional.
- KubernetesKindNamespaceConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindNamespaceInputNamespace provides a scope for Names. Use of multiple namespaces is optional.
- KubernetesKindNamespaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNamespaceSpecSpec defines the behavior of the Namespace. More info:
- KubernetesKindNamespaceSpecInputSpec defines the behavior of the Namespace. More info:
- KubernetesKindNamespaceStatusStatus describes the current status of a Namespace. More info:
- KubernetesKindNamespaceStatusConditionsNamespaceCondition contains details about state of namespace.
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetNetworkNeighborSet is the Schema for the networkneighborsets API
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetInputNetworkNeighborSet is the Schema for the networkneighborsets API
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetSpecNetworkNeighborSetSpec defines the desired state of NetworkNeighborSet
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetSpecInputNetworkNeighborSetSpec defines the desired state of NetworkNeighborSet
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetSpecNeighborsnull
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetSpecNeighborsIngressesnull
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetSpecNeighborsIngressesInputnull
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetSpecNeighborsInputnull
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetStatusConditionsnull
- KubernetesKindPackagenull
- KubernetesKindPackageConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindPackageInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallA Package Install is an actual installation of a package and its underlying resources on a Kubernetes cluster. It is represented in kapp-controller by a PackageInstall CR. A PackageInstall CR must reference a Package CR.
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallInputA Package Install is an actual installation of a package and its underlying resources on a Kubernetes cluster. It is represented in kapp-controller by a PackageInstall CR. A PackageInstall CR must reference a Package CR.
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecClusterSpecifies that Package should be deployed to destination cluster; by default, cluster is same as where this resource resides (optional)
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecClusterInputSpecifies that Package should be deployed to destination cluster; by default, cluster is same as where this resource resides (optional)
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecClusterKubeconfigSecretRefSpecifies secret containing kubeconfig (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecClusterKubeconfigSecretRefInputSpecifies secret containing kubeconfig (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecPackageRefSpecifies the name of the package to install (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecPackageRefInputSpecifies the name of the package to install (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecPackageRefVersionSelectionnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecPackageRefVersionSelectionInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecPackageRefVersionSelectionPrereleasesnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecPackageRefVersionSelectionPrereleasesInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecValuesSecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecValuesSecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallStatusnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadatanull
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataSpecnull
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataSpecMaintainersnull
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataSpecMaintainersInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryA package repository is a collection of packages and their metadata. Similar to a maven repository or a rpm repository, adding a package repository to a cluster gives users of that cluster the ability to install any of the packages from that repository.
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryInputA package repository is a collection of packages and their metadata. Similar to a maven repository or a rpm repository, adding a package repository to a cluster gives users of that cluster the ability to install any of the packages from that repository.
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitUses git to clone repository containing package list
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitInputUses git to clone repository containing package list
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitRefSelectionSemvernull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitRefSelectionSemverInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitRefSelectionSemverPrereleasesnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitRefSelectionSemverPrereleasesInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitSecretRefSecret with auth details. allowed keys: ssh-privatekey, ssh-knownhosts, username, password (optional) (if ssh-knownhosts is not specified, git will not perform strict host checking)
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitSecretRefInputSecret with auth details. allowed keys: ssh-privatekey, ssh-knownhosts, username, password (optional) (if ssh-knownhosts is not specified, git will not perform strict host checking)
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchHttpUses http library to fetch file containing packages
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchHttpInputUses http library to fetch file containing packages
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchHttpSecretRefSecret to provide auth details (optional) Secret may include one or more keys: username, password
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchHttpSecretRefInputSecret to provide auth details (optional) Secret may include one or more keys: username, password
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImageImage url; unqualified, tagged, or digest references supported (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImageInputImage url; unqualified, tagged, or digest references supported (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImageSecretRefSecret may include one or more keys: username, password, token. By default anonymous access is used for authentication.
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImageSecretRefInputSecret may include one or more keys: username, password, token. By default anonymous access is used for authentication.
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImageTagSelectionSemvernull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImageTagSelectionSemverInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImageTagSelectionSemverPrereleasesnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImageTagSelectionSemverPrereleasesInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImgpkgBundlePulls imgpkg bundle from Docker/OCI registry
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImgpkgBundleInputPulls imgpkg bundle from Docker/OCI registry
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImgpkgBundleSecretRefSecret may include one or more keys: username, password, token. By default anonymous access is used for authentication.
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImgpkgBundleSecretRefInputSecret may include one or more keys: username, password, token. By default anonymous access is used for authentication.
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImgpkgBundleTagSelectionSemvernull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImgpkgBundleTagSelectionSemverInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImgpkgBundleTagSelectionSemverPrereleasesnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchImgpkgBundleTagSelectionSemverPrereleasesInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchInlinePathsFromConfigMapRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchInlinePathsFromConfigMapRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchInlinePathsFromSecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchInlinePathsFromSecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusDeploynull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusDeployKappAssociatedResourcesAssociatedResources contains the associated App label, namespaces and GKs
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusDeployKappAssociatedResourcesGroupKindsGroupKind specifies a Group and a Kind, but does not force a version. This is useful for identifying concepts during lookup stages without having partially valid types
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusFetchnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusTemplatenull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecIncludedSoftwareIncludedSoftware contains the underlying Software Contents of a Package
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecIncludedSoftwareInputIncludedSoftware contains the underlying Software Contents of a Package
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecKappControllerVersionSelectionKappControllerVersionSelection specifies the versions of kapp-controller which can install this package
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecKappControllerVersionSelectionInputKappControllerVersionSelection specifies the versions of kapp-controller which can install this package
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecKubernetesVersionSelectionKubernetesVersionSelection specifies the versions of k8s which this package can be installed on
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecKubernetesVersionSelectionInputKubernetesVersionSelection specifies the versions of k8s which this package can be installed on
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecClusterSpecifies that app should be deployed to destination cluster; by default, cluster is same as where this resource resides (optional; v0.5.0+)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecClusterInputSpecifies that app should be deployed to destination cluster; by default, cluster is same as where this resource resides (optional; v0.5.0+)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecClusterKubeconfigSecretRefSpecifies secret containing kubeconfig (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecClusterKubeconfigSecretRefInputSpecifies secret containing kubeconfig (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecDeployKappUse kapp to deploy resources
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecDeployKappDeleteConfiguration for delete command (optional)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecDeployKappDeleteInputConfiguration for delete command (optional)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecDeployKappInputUse kapp to deploy resources
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecDeployKappInspectConfiguration for inspect command (optional) as of kapp-controller v0.31.0, inspect is disabled by default add rawOptions or use an empty inspect config like `inspect: {}` to enable
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecDeployKappInspectInputConfiguration for inspect command (optional) as of kapp-controller v0.31.0, inspect is disabled by default add rawOptions or use an empty inspect config like `inspect: {}` to enable
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitUses git to clone repository
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitInputUses git to clone repository
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitRefSelectionSemvernull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitRefSelectionSemverInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitRefSelectionSemverPrereleasesnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitRefSelectionSemverPrereleasesInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitSecretRefSecret with auth details. allowed keys: ssh-privatekey, ssh-knownhosts, username, password (optional) (if ssh-knownhosts is not specified, git will not perform strict host checking)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitSecretRefInputSecret with auth details. allowed keys: ssh-privatekey, ssh-knownhosts, username, password (optional) (if ssh-knownhosts is not specified, git will not perform strict host checking)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHelmChartUses helm fetch to fetch specified chart
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHelmChartInputUses helm fetch to fetch specified chart
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHelmChartRepositorynull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHelmChartRepositoryInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHelmChartRepositorySecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHelmChartRepositorySecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHttpUses http library to fetch file
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHttpInputUses http library to fetch file
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHttpSecretRefSecret to provide auth details (optional) Secret may include one or more keys: username, password
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchHttpSecretRefInputSecret to provide auth details (optional) Secret may include one or more keys: username, password
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImagePulls content from Docker/OCI registry
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImageInputPulls content from Docker/OCI registry
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImageSecretRefSecret may include one or more keys: username, password, token. By default anonymous access is used for authentication.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImageSecretRefInputSecret may include one or more keys: username, password, token. By default anonymous access is used for authentication.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImageTagSelectionSemvernull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImageTagSelectionSemverInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImageTagSelectionSemverPrereleasesnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImageTagSelectionSemverPrereleasesInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImgpkgBundlePulls imgpkg bundle from Docker/OCI registry (v0.17.0+)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImgpkgBundleInputPulls imgpkg bundle from Docker/OCI registry (v0.17.0+)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImgpkgBundleSecretRefSecret may include one or more keys: username, password, token. By default anonymous access is used for authentication.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImgpkgBundleSecretRefInputSecret may include one or more keys: username, password, token. By default anonymous access is used for authentication.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImgpkgBundleTagSelectionSemvernull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImgpkgBundleTagSelectionSemverInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImgpkgBundleTagSelectionSemverPrereleasesnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchImgpkgBundleTagSelectionSemverPrereleasesInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchInlinePathsFromConfigMapRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchInlinePathsFromConfigMapRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchInlinePathsFromSecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchInlinePathsFromSecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCuenull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromConfigMapRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromConfigMapRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKappControllerVersionOptional: Get running KappController version, defaults (empty) to retrieving the current running version.. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKappControllerVersionInputOptional: Get running KappController version, defaults (empty) to retrieving the current running version.. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesAPIsOptional: Get running KubernetesAPIs from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the APIs from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead, e.g ["group/version", "group2/version2"]
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesAPIsInputOptional: Get running KubernetesAPIs from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the APIs from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead, e.g ["group/version", "group2/version2"]
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesVersionOptional: Get running Kubernetes version from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the version from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesVersionInputOptional: Get running Kubernetes version from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the version from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromSecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateCueValuesFromSecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateUse helm template command to render helm chart
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateInputUse helm template command to render helm chart
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateKubernetesAPIsOptional: Use kubernetes group/versions resources available in the live cluster
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateKubernetesAPIsInputOptional: Use kubernetes group/versions resources available in the live cluster
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateKubernetesVersionOptional: Get Kubernetes version, defaults (empty) to retrieving the version from the cluster. Can be manually overridden to a value instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateKubernetesVersionInputOptional: Get Kubernetes version, defaults (empty) to retrieving the version from the cluster. Can be manually overridden to a value instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromConfigMapRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromConfigMapRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKappControllerVersionOptional: Get running KappController version, defaults (empty) to retrieving the current running version.. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKappControllerVersionInputOptional: Get running KappController version, defaults (empty) to retrieving the current running version.. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesAPIsOptional: Get running KubernetesAPIs from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the APIs from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead, e.g ["group/version", "group2/version2"]
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesAPIsInputOptional: Get running KubernetesAPIs from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the APIs from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead, e.g ["group/version", "group2/version2"]
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesVersionOptional: Get running Kubernetes version from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the version from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesVersionInputOptional: Get running Kubernetes version from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the version from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromSecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateHelmTemplateValuesFromSecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateKbldUse kbld to resolve image references to use digests
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateKbldInputUse kbld to resolve image references to use digests
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateSopsUse sops to decrypt *.sops.yml files (optional; v0.11.0+)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateSopsAgePrivateKeysSecretRefSecret with private armored PGP private keys (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateSopsAgePrivateKeysSecretRefInputSecret with private armored PGP private keys (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateSopsInputUse sops to decrypt *.sops.yml files (optional; v0.11.0+)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateSopsPgpPrivateKeysSecretRefSecret with private armored PGP private keys (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateSopsPgpPrivateKeysSecretRefInputSecret with private armored PGP private keys (required)
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttUse ytt to template configuration
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttInlinePathsFromConfigMapRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttInlinePathsFromConfigMapRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttInlinePathsFromSecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttInlinePathsFromSecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttInputUse ytt to template configuration
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromConfigMapRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromConfigMapRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKappControllerVersionOptional: Get running KappController version, defaults (empty) to retrieving the current running version.. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKappControllerVersionInputOptional: Get running KappController version, defaults (empty) to retrieving the current running version.. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesAPIsOptional: Get running KubernetesAPIs from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the APIs from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead, e.g ["group/version", "group2/version2"]
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesAPIsInputOptional: Get running KubernetesAPIs from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the APIs from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead, e.g ["group/version", "group2/version2"]
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesVersionOptional: Get running Kubernetes version from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the version from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromDownwardAPIItemsKubernetesVersionInputOptional: Get running Kubernetes version from cluster, defaults (empty) to retrieving the version from the cluster. Can be manually supplied instead.
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromSecretRefnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttValuesFromSecretRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicyPodSecurityPolicy is the Schema for the PodSecurityPolicy API.
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicyConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicyInputPodSecurityPolicy is the Schema for the PodSecurityPolicy API.
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicyRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicySpecMatchNamespaceSelectorMatchExpressionsA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicySpecMatchNamespaceSelectorMatchExpressionsInputA label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceDescribes a pre-provisioned service instance
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceInputDescribes a pre-provisioned service instance
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecDefines the desired state of PreProvisionedService
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsnull
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsAvailabilityTargetsInputnull
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsAvailabilityTargetsValueEgressPointTemplateTargetsEgressTarget represents a list of hosts and a port that should be allowed
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsAvailabilityTargetsValueEgressPointTemplateTargetsInputEgressTarget represents a list of hosts and a port that should be allowed
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsAvailabilityTargetsValueSecretRefLocalObjectReference contains enough information to let you locate the referenced object inside the same namespace.
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsAvailabilityTargetsValueSecretRefInputLocalObjectReference contains enough information to let you locate the referenced object inside the same namespace.
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsEgressPointTemplateTargetsEgressTarget represents a list of hosts and a port that should be allowed
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsEgressPointTemplateTargetsInputEgressTarget represents a list of hosts and a port that should be allowed
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsInputnull
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsSecretRefDefault secret in the case of no availability targets
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsSecretRefInputDefault secret in the case of no availability targets
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecInputDefines the desired state of PreProvisionedService
- KubernetesKindProfilenull
- KubernetesKindProfileConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindProfileInputnull
- KubernetesKindProfileRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindProfileSpecProfileSpec defines the desired state of Profile
- KubernetesKindProfileSpecInputProfileSpec defines the desired state of Profile
- KubernetesKindProfileSpecRequiredCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindProfileSpecRequiredCapabilitiesInputnull
- KubernetesKindProfileSpecTraitsnull
- KubernetesKindProfileSpecTraitsInputnull
- KubernetesKindProfileStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindProfileStatusRequiredCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindProfileStatusTraitsnull
- KubernetesKindProjectnull
- KubernetesKindProjectConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindProjectInputnull
- KubernetesKindProjectRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindProjectSpecnull
- KubernetesKindProjectSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindProjectSpecProfilesnull
- KubernetesKindProjectSpecProfilesInputnull
- KubernetesKindProjectSpecTraitsnull
- KubernetesKindProjectSpecTraitsInputnull
- KubernetesKindProjectStatusConditionsCondition defines an observation of a object operational state.
- KubernetesKindRoleRole is a namespaced, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding.
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingRoleBinding references a role, but does not contain it. It can reference a Role in the same namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. It adds who information via Subjects and namespace information by which namespace it exists in. RoleBindings in a given namespace only have effect in that namespace.
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingInputRoleBinding references a role, but does not contain it. It can reference a Role in the same namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. It adds who information via Subjects and namespace information by which namespace it exists in. RoleBindings in a given namespace only have effect in that namespace.
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingRoleRefRoleRef can reference a Role in the current namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. If the RoleRef cannot be resolved, the Authorizer must return an error.
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingRoleRefInputRoleRef can reference a Role in the current namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. If the RoleRef cannot be resolved, the Authorizer must return an error.
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingSubjectsSubject contains a reference to the object or user identities a role binding applies to. This can either hold a direct API object reference, or a value for non-objects such as user and group names.
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingSubjectsInputSubject contains a reference to the object or user identities a role binding applies to. This can either hold a direct API object reference, or a value for non-objects such as user and group names.
- KubernetesKindRoleConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindRoleInputRole is a namespaced, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding.
- KubernetesKindRoleRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindRoleRulesPolicyRule holds information that describes a policy rule, but does not contain information about who the rule applies to or which namespace the rule applies to.
- KubernetesKindRoleRulesInputPolicyRule holds information that describes a policy rule, but does not contain information about who the rule applies to or which namespace the rule applies to.
- KubernetesKindSecretSecret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values in the Data field must be less than MaxSecretSize bytes.
- KubernetesKindSecretConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportnull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportInputnull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSecretExportSpecnull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportSpecDangerousToNamespacesSelectorSelectorMatchField is a selector field to match against namespace definition
- KubernetesKindSecretExportSpecDangerousToNamespacesSelectorInputSelectorMatchField is a selector field to match against namespace definition
- KubernetesKindSecretExportSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportStatusnull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportStatusConditionsnull
- KubernetesKindSecretInputSecret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values in the Data field must be less than MaxSecretSize bytes.
- KubernetesKindSecretRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountServiceAccount binds together: * a name, understood by users, and perhaps by peripheral systems, for an identity * a principal that can be authenticated and authorized * a set of secrets
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountImagePullSecretsLocalObjectReference contains enough information to let you locate the referenced object inside the same namespace.
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountImagePullSecretsInputLocalObjectReference contains enough information to let you locate the referenced object inside the same namespace.
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountInputServiceAccount binds together: * a name, understood by users, and perhaps by peripheral systems, for an identity * a principal that can be authenticated and authorized * a set of secrets
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountSecretsObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. --- New uses of this type are discouraged because of difficulty describing its usage when embedded in APIs. 1. Ignored fields. It includes many fields which are not generally honored. For instance, ResourceVersion and FieldPath are both very rarely valid in actual usage. 2. Invalid usage help. It is impossible to add specific help for individual usage. In most embedded usages, there are particular restrictions like, "must refer only to types A and B" or "UID not honored" or "name must be restricted". Those cannot be well described when embedded. 3. Inconsistent validation. Because the usages are different, the validation rules are different by usage, which makes it hard for users to predict what will happen. 4. The fields are both imprecise and overly precise. Kind is not a precise mapping to a URL. This can produce ambiguity during interpretation and require a REST mapping. In most cases, the dependency is on the group,resource tuple and the version of the actual struct is irrelevant. 5. We cannot easily change it. Because this type is embedded in many locations, updates to this type will affect numerous schemas. Don't make new APIs embed an underspecified API type they do not control. Instead of using this type, create a locally provided and used type that is well-focused on your reference. For example, ServiceReferences for admission registration: .
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountSecretsInputObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. --- New uses of this type are discouraged because of difficulty describing its usage when embedded in APIs. 1. Ignored fields. It includes many fields which are not generally honored. For instance, ResourceVersion and FieldPath are both very rarely valid in actual usage. 2. Invalid usage help. It is impossible to add specific help for individual usage. In most embedded usages, there are particular restrictions like, "must refer only to types A and B" or "UID not honored" or "name must be restricted". Those cannot be well described when embedded. 3. Inconsistent validation. Because the usages are different, the validation rules are different by usage, which makes it hard for users to predict what will happen. 4. The fields are both imprecise and overly precise. Kind is not a precise mapping to a URL. This can produce ambiguity during interpretation and require a REST mapping. In most cases, the dependency is on the group,resource tuple and the version of the actual struct is irrelevant. 5. We cannot easily change it. Because this type is embedded in many locations, updates to this type will affect numerous schemas. Don't make new APIs embed an underspecified API type they do not control. Instead of using this type, create a locally provided and used type that is well-focused on your reference. For example, ServiceReferences for admission registration: .
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingServiceBinding is the Schema for the servicebindings API
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingInputServiceBinding is the Schema for the servicebindings API
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingSpecServiceBindingSpec defines the desired state of ServiceBinding
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingSpecInputServiceBindingSpec defines the desired state of ServiceBinding
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingSpecServiceRefServiceRef is the reference to the service that will be bound to the target workload.
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingSpecServiceRefInputServiceRef is the reference to the service that will be bound to the target workload.
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingSpecTargetRefTargetRef is the reference to the target resource that the service is being bound to.
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingSpecTargetRefInputTargetRef is the reference to the target resource that the service is being bound to.
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingStatusServiceBindingRefServiceBindingRef is the reference to the resource that was created as part of binding.
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpace is the Schema for the spaces API
- KubernetesKindSpaceConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetSpaceDisruptionBudget is the Schema for the spacedisruptionbudget API
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetInputSpaceDisruptionBudget is the Schema for the spacedisruptionbudget API
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetSpecAvailabilityTargetsATDisruptionBudgetSpec defines the desired state of SpaceDisruptionBudget per AT
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetSpecAvailabilityTargetsInputATDisruptionBudgetSpec defines the desired state of SpaceDisruptionBudget per AT
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetStatusAvailabilityTargetsATDisruptionBudgetStatus defines the observed state of SpaceDisruptionBudget per AT
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindSpaceInputSpace is the Schema for the spaces API
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputSpaceOutput is the Schema for the spaceoutputs API
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputInputSpaceOutput is the Schema for the spaceoutputs API
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputSpecSpaceOutputSpec defines the desired state of SpaceOutput
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputSpecInputSpaceOutputSpec defines the desired state of SpaceOutput
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputSpecObjectReferenceDefine `apiVersion` and `kind` fields to specify the version of the Kubernetes API and the type of Kubernetes resource. Example - objectReference: apiVersion: v1 kind: service
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputSpecObjectReferenceInputDefine `apiVersion` and `kind` fields to specify the version of the Kubernetes API and the type of Kubernetes resource. Example - objectReference: apiVersion: v1 kind: service
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputStatusSpaceOutputStatus defines the observed state of SpaceOutput
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputStatusDatanull
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputStatusErrorsnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecSpaceSpec defines the desired state of Space
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecAvailabilityTargetsInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecInputSpaceSpec defines the desired state of Space
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecTemplateSpecProfilesInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecTemplateSpecResourcesClaimsResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecTemplateSpecResourcesClaimsInputResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecTemplateSpecResourcesLimitsInputLimits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed. More info:
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecTemplateSpecResourcesRequestsInputRequests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits. More info:
- KubernetesKindSpaceStatusAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindSpaceStatusProvidedCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceStatusResolvedProfilesnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingSpecGatewayRefnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingSpecGatewayRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingSpecRouteConfigRefnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingSpecRouteConfigRefInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfignull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecBasicAuthnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecBasicAuthInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecOpenapinull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecOpenapiInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecRoutesnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecRoutesInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecServiceKubernetes Service to route traffic to specified `spec.routes`.
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecServiceInputKubernetes Service to route traffic to specified `spec.routes`.
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetSyncResourceSet is the Schema for the SyncResourceSets API
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetInputSyncResourceSet is the Schema for the SyncResourceSets API
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetSpecSyncResourceSetSpec defines the desired state of SyncResourceSet
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetSpecInputSyncResourceSetSpec defines the desired state of SyncResourceSet
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetSpecObjectSelectorDefine `apiVersion` and `kind` fields to specify the version of the Kubernetes API and the type of Kubernetes resource. Example - objectReference: apiVersion: v1 kind: service name: ngnix // optional
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetSpecObjectSelectorInputDefine `apiVersion` and `kind` fields to specify the version of the Kubernetes API and the type of Kubernetes resource. Example - objectReference: apiVersion: v1 kind: service name: ngnix // optional
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetStatusConditionsnull
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetStatusDataHappy Path data: cl-1: ns-1: svc-1: .metadata.generation: 1 .metadata.annotations: - key1: value1 - key2: value2 .status: conditions: ... observedGeneration: 1 error: "error applying xyz" Sync Error data: cl-1: ns-1: svc-1: error: "sync error applying svc-1 due to..." Unknown Rule error data: cl-1: ns-1: svc-1: error: "unknown rule xyz", .metadata.generation: 1 .metadata.annotations: - key1: value1 - key2: value2 .status: conditions: ... observedGeneration: 1]
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetStatusDataValuemap[namespace]ServiceData
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetStatusDataValueValuemap[service]rules
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetStatusDataValueValueValuenull
- KubernetesKindTraitnull
- KubernetesKindTraitConnectionEdgenull
- KubernetesKindTraitInputnull
- KubernetesKindTraitRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindTraitSpecTraitSpec defines the desired state of Trait
- KubernetesKindTraitSpecCarvelPackagesnull
- KubernetesKindTraitSpecCarvelPackagesInputnull
- KubernetesKindTraitSpecCarvelPackagesRequiredCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindTraitSpecCarvelPackagesRequiredCapabilitiesInputnull
- KubernetesKindTraitSpecCarvelPackagesVersionSelectionnull
- KubernetesKindTraitSpecCarvelPackagesVersionSelectionInputnull
- KubernetesKindTraitSpecInputTraitSpec defines the desired state of Trait
- KubernetesKindTraitStatusCarvelPackagesnull
- KubernetesKindTraitStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindTraitStatusRequiredCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesLogParamsnull
- KubernetesLogRecordnull
- KubernetesMutateBulkResourcesnull
- KubernetesMutateResourcenull
- KubernetesPackageCatalogA catalog represents a collection of installable package definitions.
- KubernetesPackageCatalogEdgenull
- KubernetesPackageCatalogItemRepresents a specific versioned release an installable package
- KubernetesPackageCatalogItemEdgenull
- KubernetesPackageCatalogMutationProvidernull
- KubernetesPackageCatalogQueryProvidernull
- KubernetesResourceGeneric Kubernetes resource
- KubernetesResourceConnectingRelationshipnull
- KubernetesResourceConnectionConnection type for KubernetesResource nodes
- KubernetesResourceConnectionEdgeConnection Edge type for KubernetesResource nodes
- KubernetesResourceConnectionEdgeInterfaceInterface for all KubernetesResourceConnectionEdges
- KubernetesResourceConnectionInterfaceInterface for all KubernetesResourceConnections
- KubernetesResourceContextResource context
- KubernetesResourceContextInputResource context
- KubernetesResourceControllingRelationshipnull
- KubernetesResourceInterfaceApplication Engine Resource Interface
- KubernetesResourceInterfaceConnectionConnection type for KubernetesResourceInterface nodes
- KubernetesResourceInterfaceConnectionEdgeConnection Edge type for KubernetesResourceInterface nodes
- KubernetesResourceKindDefinition of a resource kind
- KubernetesResourceKindConnectionEdgeConnection Edge for KubernetesResourceKind
- KubernetesResourceMetadatanull
- KubernetesResourceMetadataInputnull
- KubernetesResourceMetadataOwnerReferenceOwnerReference contains enough information to let you identify an owning object. An owning object must be in the same namespace as the dependent, or be cluster-scoped, so there is no namespace field.
- KubernetesResourceMetadataOwnerReferenceInputOwnerReference contains enough information to let you identify an owning object. An owning object must be in the same namespace as the dependent, or be cluster-scoped, so there is no namespace field.
- KubernetesResourceRelationshipsany relationship may be available from a generic kubernetes resource
- KubernetesStatusStatus is a return value for calls that don't return other objects.
- KubernetesStatusCauseStatusCause provides more information about an api.Status failure, including cases when multiple errors are encountered.
- KubernetesStatusDetailsStatusDetails is a set of additional properties that MAY be set by the server to provide additional information about a response. The Reason field of a Status object defines what attributes will be set. Clients must ignore fields that do not match the defined type of each attribute, and should assume that any attribute may be empty, invalid, or under defined.
- KubernetesUpdatePackageInstallInputUpdates installationDescription, version and valueSchemaConfigurationYaml props. - Pass current value to keep it unmodified. - Pass 'null' value to clear it.
- LemansWorkerGroupDeploymentConfigurationnull
- LogAggregationnull
- LogFieldnull
- LogInputFilters for querying logs
- LogPatternRepresents a pattern in logs
- LogPatternInputFilters for querying log patterns
- LogPatternStatsRecordnull
- LogPatternTemplateTemplate for a pattern in logs
- LogRecordEdgenull
- LogSchemanull
- LogSchemaEdgeRelay-compatible LogSchemaEdge
- LogTaskInfonull
- ManagementEndpointA management endpoint is an abstraction of the place to which to connect to monitor/manage a system. In the public cloud world this can be considered as an "account" (AWS), "subscription" (Azure), or "project" (GCP). In the on-prem vCenter / VMX world a management endpoint can refer to a vCenter or NSX-Manager instance and its URL. In order to support other management endpoints in the future, the management endpoint is considered a point through which a system, with its discovered entities, can be monitored and/or managed.
- ManagementEndpointAccountDiscoveryStatusDetailAccount discovery request status details
- ManagementEndpointAccountOwnerInfonull
- ManagementEndpointAccountOwnerInfoInputAccount Owner Information - Name and Email ID
- ManagementEndpointAggregationInputnull
- ManagementEndpointAggregationItemnull
- ManagementEndpointAggregationItemsnull
- ManagementEndpointCollectorManagementEndpointCollector represents collector metadata for various kinds of collectors, Kubernetes is the supported collector type currently.
- ManagementEndpointCollectorCredentials Management Endpoint Collector Credentials used for first time connection to SaaS
- ManagementEndpointCollectorCredentialsProperties Credential client and secret pair
- ManagementEndpointCollectorDeploymentPropertynull
- ManagementEndpointCollectorDeploymentPropertyInputnull
- ManagementEndpointCollectorEdgenull
- ManagementEndpointCollectorInput A Management endpoint collector is associated to a given management endpoint and Management endpoint collector can attach either self or managed by managed boolean flag.
- ManagementEndpointCollectorProperties Management Endpoint Collector Properties
- ManagementEndpointCollectorQueryFilternull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialCredential - holds credential information that can be used to access one or more cloud accounts.
- ManagementEndpointCredentialBrokerManagement Endpoint Credential Broker represents credential broker deployment and it's metadata.
- ManagementEndpointCredentialBrokerEdgenull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialBrokerInput A credential broker creation request, which would provide yaml, script, brokerId and access key for deployment of broker
- ManagementEndpointCredentialBrokerResponseManagement Endpoint Credential broker Response
- ManagementEndpointCredentialDefinitionEndpoint Type Definition - contains information on the endpoint type
- ManagementEndpointCredentialEdgenull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialPropertyDefinitionnull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialRequest Management Endpoint Credential Request
- ManagementEndpointCredentialsInputCredential - holds credential information that can be used to access one or more cloud accounts.
- ManagementEndpointCredentialUsageEdgenull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialUsageErrorResponseCredential usage error response
- ManagementEndpointCredentialUsageFilterFilters for fetching credential usages for a given management endpoint
- ManagementEndpointCredentialUsageNodeManagement endpoint credential usage information
- ManagementEndpointCredentialValidationnull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialValidationErrorResponsenull
- ManagementEndpointDefinitionEndpoint Type Definition - contains information on the endpoint and parameters
- ManagementEndpointDeployToCloudProxyAgentInputnull
- ManagementEndpointDeployToCloudProxyAgentResponsenull
- ManagementEndpointDiscoveredAccountInputnull
- ManagementEndpointDiscoveredAccountResponsenull
- ManagementEndpointDiscoveredNodeDiscovered node represents a node in the organisation structure discovered for a root account. A node can either represent an account group or an actual account. The differentiation between account group and account can be made on the basis of entity type.
- ManagementEndpointDiscoveredNodeEdgenull
- ManagementEndpointEdgenull
- ManagementEndpointErrorResponse Management Endpoint Error Response
- ManagementEndpointInputA management endpoint is an abstraction of the place to which to connect to monitor/manage a system. In the public cloud world this can be considered as an "account" (AWS), "subscription" (Azure), or "project" (GCP). In the on-prem vCenter / VMX world a management endpoint can refer to a vCenter or NSX-Manager instance and its URL. In order to support other management endpoints in the future, the management endpoint is considered a point through which a system, with its discovered entities, can be monitored and/or managed.
- ManagementEndpointKeyValuePairnull
- ManagementEndpointOnboardingDetailsnull
- ManagementEndpointOnboardingDetailsPropertynull
- ManagementEndpointOnboardingInfoInputnull
- ManagementEndpointOneTimeKeynull
- ManagementEndpointPropertynull
- ManagementEndpointPropertyDefinitionnull
- ManagementEndpointPropertyInputnull
- ManagementEndpointQuerynull
- ManagementEndpointQueryFilter TODO extend filter with other fields, also add and implement for queryManagementEndpoints
- ManagementEndpointRequest Management Endpoint Request
- ManagementEndpointSelfManagedCollectorInput A self managed Management endpoint collector is associated to a given management endpoint.
- ManagementEndpointUpsertErrorResponsenull
- MetricLabelsnull
- MetricLabelValuenull
- MetricNamesnull
- MetricQuerynull
- NetworkDatanull
- NetworkEntityFlowCountByFlowTypeEntryEdgeRelay-compatible NetworkEntityFlowCountByFlowTypeEntryEdge
- NetworkEntityFlowTypeInputencapsulates a complete set of input parameters required to fetch details on the flow types for a specific entity type. The following flow types are well known * Destination is Internet - count of flows from entity to internet * Source is Internet - count of flows from Internet to an entity * Destination is AWS - count of flows from entity to an AWS workload/service * Source is AWS - count of flows from AWS workload/service to an entity * Destination is Azure - count of flows from entity to an Azure workload/service * Source is Azure - count of flows from an Azure workload/service to an entity * Destination is Physical - count of flows from an entity to a physical IP address * Source is Physical - count of flows from a physical IP address to an entity
- NetworkHybridConnectivityUtilization describes a single utilization metric using the name and value. Value would be Long data types.
- NetworkQueryRepresents the top level query node for network GraphQL queries.
- NetworkServicenull
- NetworkStatsDatanull
- NotificationRulenull
- NotificationRuleConnectionEdgenull
- NotificationRulesMutationProviderThis is just a marker interface as we would not have common mutations across providers
- NotificationRulesProviderInterface that all notification rules providers must implement
- NotificationRulesProviderInfonull
- NotificationRulesQuerynull
- NotificationSupportedTargetTypeType object encapsulating the target type and the target provider name that will provide the targets for the type
- NotificationTargetDescribes a notification target
- NotificationTargetEdgenull
- NotificationTargetPropertynull
- NotificationTargetsMutationProviderinterface to implement by Notification Target providers and stitch with NotificationTargetsMutation
- NotificationTargetsProvidernull
- NotificationTargetsProviderInfonull
- NotificationTargetsQuerynull
- NotificationTargetStatusnull
- NotificationTargetTypeDescribes a notification target type
- NotificationTargetTypeEdgenull
- NotificationTargetTypeInputPropertynull
- ObservabilityAlertObservability Alert to trigger Alerts on metrics/logs
- ObservabilityAlertEdgeObservability Alert edge
- ObservabilityAlertFilterInputObservability Alert provider filer input
- ObservabilityAlertMutationProvidermutations for Observability Alert provider
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationCriterianull
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationCriteriaInputnull
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRulenull
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleConnectionEdgenull
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleFilterInput parameter for observability alerts notification rules query
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleInputInput specifying changes or create to a notification rule
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleMutationProvidernull
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRulesProvidernull
- ObservabilityAlertQueryProviderprovider for alert query
- ObservabilityLogAlertObservability Log Alert to trigger Alerts on logs
- ObservabilityLogAlertRuleObservability Log Alert rule
- ObservabilityLogAlertRuleInputObservability Log Alert provider rule input.
- ObservabilityLogAlertUpdateInputObservability Log Alert provider create input.
- ObservabilityLogQueryLog query to fetch logs from hub
- ObservabilityMetricAlertObservability Metric Alert to trigger Alerts on metrics
- ObservabilityMetricAlertRuleObservability Metric Alert rule
- ObservabilityMetricAlertRuleInputObservability Metric Alert provider rule input
- ObservabilityMetricAlertUpdateInputObservability Metric Alert provider update input
- ObservabilityMetricQueryMetric query to fetch stats from hub
- ObservabilityNamespacenull
- ObservabilityQuerynull
- ObservabilityQueryFilterTypeType representation to capture query filter parameters.
- ObservabilityRunbookTroubleshooting steps for an observability alert
- ObservabilityRunbookStepTroubleshooting step
- ObservationA point-in-time observation about the state of something in the system which may interest our insight service
- ObservationAggregationInputnull
- ObservationAggregationItemnull
- ObservationAggregationItemsnull
- ObservationEdgenull
- ObservationFilterInput parameter for observations query
- ObservationMappingRuleObservationMappingRule type. ObservationMappingRule specifies how to map an alert from generic source to Observation object, along with paired alert template used to configure external monitor tool webhook. Paired alert template is a convenience to user, API doesn't enforce its presence, because if user has other ways to send alerts, so long as alert content conforms to spec, it can be mapped to Observation.
- ObservationQueryObservation queries
- ObservationTaggingRulePropertyProperty to be added to Observation tags (key,value) for static tagging (observationTaggingTemplate,destinationKeyName) for composition tagging (observationTaggingPattern, sourceKeyName, destinationKeyName) for extraction tagging
- ObservationTagGroupObservationTagGroup type. ObservationTagGroup is to group ML tags with similar semantic meaning
- ObservationTagOccurrenceAn entity to keep metadata of a tag
- PageInfoRelay-compatible paging support. Please see: [GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification](
- PixieFlamegraphQueryInputnull
- PixieStackTracenull
- ProjectDefinitionInputnull
- ProjectDeleteResultnull
- ProjectUpsertResultnull
- ProjectUserRoleAssignmentErrornull
- ProjectUserRolesAssignmentnull
- ProjectUserRolesAssignmentInputnull
- ProjectUserRolesToAddInputnull
- ProjectUserRolesToRemoveInputnull
- Querynull
- QueryFilterInput filter parameter to help filtering the output of the query. If multiple filter objects are specified they are treated as an and. Nested queries can be created using the 'and', 'or' or 'not' parameters. In the filter the user should choose between one of: - the `field`, `operator` and `values` parameters - one of the `and`, `or` or `not` parameters
- QuerySortSorting order for the results, multiple fields with with independent sorting order can be specified. Has a default sort order of Ascending.
- Repository Represents a repository available for a given repository endpoint Eg. cmbu/guardrails-service
- RepositoryAssessmentInputnull
- RepositoryEdgenull
- RepositoryEndpointRepresents an endpoint that can be used access one or more repositories. Eg. Example providers (gitlab, github). Concrete implementation would also add other details like credentials to this as applicable.
- RepositoryEndpointEdgenull
- RepositoryProviderInfonull
- RepositoryQueriesquery entrypoint for Repository provider
- RepositoryQueryProvidernull
- RepositorySbomStatusnull
- RepositoryVersionRepresents commit information for a repository. For a git repository this would be commit id
- RepositoryVersionEdgenull
- SecurityAggregationInputnull
- SecurityAggregationItemnull
- SecurityAggregationItemsnull
- SecurityAlertnull
- SecurityAlertEdgenull
- SecurityAlertIntegrationInfonull
- SecurityAlertsFilterInputnull
- SecurityChangeLognull
- SecurityChangeLogEdgenull
- SecurityChangeLogEntrynull
- SecurityCloneFrameworkInputnull
- SecurityControlDescribes a security control
- SecurityControlEdgenull
- SecurityControlsFilterInputnull
- SecurityCreateAlertInputnull
- SecurityCreateControlInputnull
- SecurityCreateFrameworkInputnull
- SecurityCreateGroupInputnull
- SecurityCreateReportConfigurationInputnull
- SecurityCreateSuppressionInputnull
- SecurityCriterionnull
- SecurityCriterionInputnull
- SecurityDeleteInputnull
- SecurityDeleteSuppressionInputnull
- SecurityEntityInfonull
- SecurityFeatureFlagnull
- SecurityFindingDescribes a security finding
- SecurityFindingsEdgenull
- SecurityFindingsFilterInputnull
- SecurityFindingsSourceDescribes a security findings source
- SecurityFindingsSourceEdgenull
- SecurityFindingsSourceMethodEdgenull
- SecurityFindingsSourceMethodInfoDescribes a security Findings Source method
- SecurityFindingsSourcesFilterInputnull
- SecurityFrameworkDescribes a security framework
- SecurityFrameworkFilterInputnull
- SecurityFrameworksEdgenull
- SecurityGenerateReportInputnull
- SecurityGroupDescribes security group
- SecurityGroupEdgenull
- SecurityGroupFilterInputnull
- SecurityIntegrationDescribes a security integration
- SecurityIntegrationEdgenull
- SecurityIntegrationInputnull
- SecurityIntegrationMethodEdgenull
- SecurityIntegrationMethodInfoDescribes a security integration method
- SecurityIntegrationsFilterInputnull
- SecurityLinkRulenull
- SecurityLinkRuleFailurenull
- SecurityLinkRuleInputnull
- SecurityPatchAlertInputnull
- SecurityPatchControlInputnull
- SecurityPatchFindingsSourceInputnull
- SecurityPatchFrameworkInputnull
- SecurityPatchGroupInputnull
- SecurityPatchIntegrationInputnull
- SecurityPatchReportConfigurationInputnull
- SecurityPatchReportInputnull
- SecurityPatchRuleInputnull
- SecurityPatchSuppressionInputnull
- SecurityPermissionsPermissions scoped to a single organization or project
- SecurityPolicyImpactedEntitiesInputnull
- SecurityPolicyImpactedEntityRelationshipnull
- SecurityPropertynull
- SecurityPropertyInputnull
- SecurityPropertyValuenull
- SecurityPropertyValueInputnull
- SecurityQueryQuery the security subsystem
- SecurityReportReport metadata.
- SecurityReportConfigurationReport Configuration.
- SecurityReportConfigurationEdgenull
- SecurityReportConfigurationFilterInputnull
- SecurityReportConfigurationIntegrationInfonull
- SecurityReportConfigurationLayoutLayout of the generated report. If layout is not specified, the generated report will include all the layout sections, relevant to the report type (columns/widgets/etc.)
- SecurityReportConfigurationLayoutInputLayout of the generated report. If layout is not specified, the generated report will include all the layout sections, relevant to the report type (columns/widgets/etc.)
- SecurityReportConfigurationScheduleSchedule of the periodic reports. Leave empty for one-time reports.
- SecurityReportConfigurationScheduleInputSchedule of the periodic reports. Leave empty for one-time reports.
- SecurityReportConfigurationStatusnull
- SecurityReportConfigurationWidgetWidget is a page or report component.
- SecurityReportConfigurationWidgetInputWidget is a page or report component.
- SecurityReportEdgenull
- SecurityReportFilterInputnull
- SecurityReportStatusnull
- SecurityReportTypeInfonull
- SecurityResourcenull
- SecurityResourceInputnull
- SecurityRulenull
- SecurityRuleQuerynull
- SecurityRuleQueryInputnull
- SecurityRulesEdgenull
- SecurityRulesFilterInputnull
- SecurityShareFindingsInputnull
- SecuritySuppressionDescribe a security suppression
- SecuritySuppressionRequestnull
- SecuritySuppressionRequestInputnull
- SecuritySuppressionsEdgenull
- SecuritySuppressionsFilterInputnull
- SecuritySuppressionStatusnull
- SecuritySuppressionStatusInputnull
- SecuritySuppressionsTemplateDescribe a security suppression template
- SecuritySuppressionsTemplateInputnull
- SecurityTestExistingIntegrationInputnull
- SecurityTestNewIntegrationInputnull
- SecurityTriggernull
- SecurityTriggerInputnull
- SecurityUpdateAlertInputnull
- SecurityUpdateControlInputnull
- SecurityUpdateFailurenull
- SecurityUpdateFrameworkInputnull
- SecurityUpdateGroupInputnull
- SecurityUpdateReportConfigurationInputnull
- SecurityUpdateSuppressionInputnull
- SecurityUpsertFindingsSourceInputnull
- SecurityUpsertIntegrationInputnull
- SecurityUpsertRuleInputnull
- SecurityUpsertSuppressionInputnull
- SecurityUserInfonull
- SecurityUserInfoInputnull
- SpringArtifactAssessmentAssessment is systematically evaluating and appraising a Spring or non-spring Artifacts/GIT Repository. This comprehensive analysis aims to derive valuable insights, findings, and recommendations, ultimately resulting in a detailed report that focuses on specific aspects of the Tanzu Hub product.
- SpringArtifactAssessmentEdgenull
- SpringArtifactAssessmentFilterInputInput filter parameters for filtering Assessments If multiple filter objects are specified they are treated as an and.
- SpringArtifactAssessmentInputinput needed to start an assessment. If assessmentId is not passed then a new assessment will be created, else existing assessment will be updated
- SpringArtifactMetadataThis represents meta data for an Spring artifact. This meta data will be enriched by different assessments, where each assessment will add some information to the metadata
- SpringArtifactMetadataEdgenull
- SpringArtifactMetadataInputinput needed to create an application meta data
- SpringArtifactMetadataQueryProvider# Spring Artifact specific implementation
- SpringArtifactMetadataVersionSpring Artifact Metadata version
- SpringArtifactMetadataVersionEdgenull
- SpringArtifactMutationsnull
- SpringArtifactRecommendationAssessment recommendations based on the Artifact Metadata, contributing to other tanzu hub products upsell."
- SpringArtifactRecommendationEdgenull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryRepository can be a git repository or just folder structure where source code is present. User will be generating the SBOM or library libraryDependency file from the source code repository.
- SpringArtifactRepositoryEdgenull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryEndpointRepresents an endpoint that can be used access one or more repositories. Eg. As of now we are only supporting PRIVATE repositories, so there is no need to configure credentials in SAAS. PUBLIC will be supported in next phase
- SpringArtifactRepositoryEndpointEdgenull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryQueryProvidernull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryUpdateInputnull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryVersionSpring Artifact Repository commit information capturing repository snapshot
- SpringArtifactRepositoryVersionEdgenull
- SpringArtifactSBOMRepresents a software bundle or unit. This is a hierarchical structure where one package may have other packages as dependencies.
- SpringArtifactSBOMFilterInputnull
- SpringArtifactSBOMInfoEdgenull
- SpringArtifactSBOMOssSupportnull
- SpringArtifactSBOMUpgradePlanDescribes how a spring artifact can be upgraded
- SpringArtifactSBOMVulnerabilityFilterInputnull
- SpringArtifactSummaryItemSpring Artifact Summary Item
- SpringArtifactTraitsnull
- SpringArtifactVulnerabilityRepresents a software vulnerability that can be exploited
- SpringArtifactVulnerabilityEdgenull
- SpringPolicySpring policy
- SpringPolicyCreateInputSpring provider policy create input
- SpringPolicyDimensionInfonull
- SpringPolicyEdgeSpring Policy edge
- SpringPolicyExecutionScheduleSpring policy schedule
- SpringPolicyExecutionScheduleInputexecution schedule expressed in cron
- SpringPolicyFilterfilter to reduce policy source scope - SpringPolicySourceType
- SpringPolicyFilterInputSpring provider policy filer input
- SpringPolicyMutationProvidermutations for spring provider
- SpringPolicyQueryProviderprovider for spring query
- SpringPolicyRuleSpring policy rule
- SpringPolicyRuleInputSpring provider policy rule input
- SpringPolicyRunAtTime during the day schedule should run at, its value are in 24 hr format. e.g. timezone -> 'Asia/Kolkata' hour -> 14 min -> 50
- SpringPolicyRunAtInputTime during the day schedule should run at, its value are in 24 hr format. e.g. timezone -> 'Asia/Kolkata' hour -> 14 min -> 50
- SpringPolicyTopicInfonull
- SpringPolicyUpdateInputSpring provider policy edit input
- StatTime-series stat
- StatsAggregationInputnull
- StatsInputFilters for querying stats
- StatsProviderInfonull
- StatsRelatedEntitiesQueryInputnull
- Subscriptionnull
- TacCatalogA catalog resource represents a set of curated applications available for installation through Tanzu Application Catalog (TAC) for a given organization. Most resources extends graphql built-in Node type because they represent a persisted object in the TAC domain storage.
- TacCatalogEdgenull
- TacCatalogItemRepresents a specific versioned release an installable package available through VMware Application Catalog. For example, version "6.1.0", revision 7 Also known as "Product" in TAC terminology
- TacCatalogItemConnectionEdgenull
- TacCatalogQueryProvidernull
- TagTag containing key and optional value strings
- TagFilterInputTag input argument for filtering by tags
- TagInputTag input argument for specifying tags
- TanzuHubPolicyHub policy
- TanzuHubPolicyCreateInputPolicy input
- TanzuHubPolicyEdgePolicy edge
- TanzuHubPolicyEditInputPolicy input for editing
- TanzuHubPolicyExecutionSchedulePolicy Execution Schedule
- TanzuHubPolicyExecutionScheduleInputPolicy Execution Schedule. NOTE: Either `cronExpression` or `schedule` should provided to specify the execution of policy on schedule basis.
- TanzuHubPolicyFilterPolicy filter
- TanzuHubPolicyFindingTanzuHubPolicyFinding
- TanzuHubPolicyFindingInputHubPolicyFindingInput
- TanzuHubPolicyMultipleFindingsCreationSourcenull
- TanzuHubPolicyMultipleFindingsCreationSourceInputnull
- TanzuHubPolicyMutationnull
- TanzuHubPolicyMutationProvidernull
- TanzuHubPolicyQueryProvidernull
- TanzuHubPolicyRulePolicy rule
- TanzuHubPolicyRuleInputRule input
- TanzuHubPolicyRunAtTime during the day schedule should run at, its value are in 24 hr format. e.g. timezone -> 'Asia/Kolkata' hour -> 14 min -> 50
- TanzuHubPolicyRunAtInputTime during the day schedule should run at, its value are in 24 hr format. e.g. timezone -> 'Asia/Kolkata' hour -> 14 min -> 50
- TanzuHubPolicyRunEdgePolicy run details
- TanzuHubPolicyUpdateFailurenull
- UserUser type. Users are defined in CSP and this type has fields from CSP together with additional semantics from Ensemble
- UserEdgenull
- UserEntityFieldsEach UserEntityField holds information associated to a given entity-user combination, such as preferences or interest scores.
- UserGroupnull
- UserOrganizationRoleUser Organization Role type
- UserPrefnull
- UserPrefInputnull
- UserQuerynull
- UserServiceRoleUser Service Role type
- _CatalogEdgeFederatednull
- _CatalogFederatednull
- _CatalogItemEdgeFederatednull
- _CatalogItemFederatednull
- _CatalogQueryProviderFederatednull
- _NotificationRuleConnectionEdgePrivatenull
- _NotificationRulePrivatenull
- _NotificationTargetEdgePrivatenull
- _NotificationTargetPrivatenull
- _NotificationTargetTypeEdgePrivatenull
- _NotificationTargetTypePrivatenull
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __SchemaA GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. It exposes all available types and directives on the server, as well as the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name, description and optional `specifiedByURL`, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.