The Float
scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Float
link Require by
- ArtifactVulnerabilityScorenull
- ArtifactVulnerabilityScoreRangeInputFilter Vulnerabilities by cvss v3 score, vulnerabilities with CVSS v3 score greater than equal to specified min and less than equal to specified max will be returned
- CostingListPricenull
- EntityAggregationItemsnull
- EntityMetricAggregationValuenull
- EntityPropertynull
- ExceptionTrendRecordnull
- ExceptionTrendRecordStatsnull
- FinOpsAggregatePricenull
- FinOpsAggregationValuesWithTimeStampnull
- FinOpsAWSInstanceTypeAWS Instance Type implementation
- FinOpsAzureInstanceTypeAzure Instance Type implementation
- FinOpsAzureVmInstanceAzure VM instance type implementation
- FinOpsAzureVmInstanceRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the Azure VM
- FinOpsAzureVmRightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation
- FinOpsCloudCostSmartSummaryEventA Cloud Cost Smart Summary event object
- FinOpsCloudCostSmartSummaryEventConnectionThe connection type for cloud cost smart summary
- FinOpsCostAnomalyCost anomaly metadata.
- FinOpsCostAnomalyMetricPointA single metric point.
- FinOpsCostAnomalySummarySummary for all the detected anomalies.
- FinOpsCostWithCurrencynull
- FinOpsDiscountConfigurationDiscount configuration for a single cloud provider type.
- FinOpsDiscountCoverageSummarySummary for discount coverage.
- FinOpsDiscountOpportunitiesSummarySummary for all the opportunities.
- FinOpsEBSRightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation for EBS rightsizing
- FinOpsEBSVolumeEBSVolume Asset implementation
- FinOpsEBSVolumeRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the EBS volume
- FinOpsEC2InstanceEC2Instance Asset implementation
- FinOpsEC2InstanceRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the EC2 instance
- FinOpsEC2RightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation for EC2 rightsizing
- FinOpsExpiringCommitmentsSummarySummary for expiring commitments data.
- FinOpsListPricenull
- FinOpsPriceValueFinOps tiered price values
- FinOpsPricingPricing details
- FinOpsRDSInstanceRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the RDS instance
- FinOpsRDSRightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation for RDS rightsizing
- FinOpsRecommendedRightsizingOptionThe recommended options interface. This has to be implemented by respective assets
- FinOpsReservedInstanceHoursInstance reservation hours
- FinOpsRightsizingAggregatedMetricThe metrics of the asset in the evaluation duration, The rightsizing additional aggregated metrics, which encompass termination criteria. Note that if the currentMetrics array already contains the same metrics, they will not be shown here.
- FinOpsRightsizingRecommendationDetails of Rightsizing recommendation
- FinOpsSavingsByCategorynull
- FinOpsSpendBasedSavingsPropertiesnull
- FinOpsUnderutilizedCommitmentsSummarySummary for expiring commitments data.
- FinOpsUnifiedEffectiveSavingsRateSummarySummary for Effective Savings rate.
- FinOpsUsageBasedSavingsPropertiesnull
- HubArtifactScoreRangeInputnull
- InsightStatsnull
- LogPatternRepresents a pattern in logs
- LogPatternStatsStats mapped to a selected window for a pattern in logs, including the count of log patterns and the rate at which they occur
- NetworkDatanull
- NetworkFlowSummaryEntry a single unit of flow summary entry with a target application entity
- NetworkTimeSeriesDatanull
- ObservabilityAlertThresholdConditionInputObservability Alert threshold condition input
- ObservabilityLogAlertThresholdConditionLog Alert Threshold condition
- ObservabilityMetricAlertThresholdConditionmetric Alert Threshold condition
- PixieStackTracenull
- StatTime-series stat
- StatAnomalynull
- StatForecastForecast data for this times-eries
- StatsForecastInputnull
- StatsInputFilters for querying stats
- UserEntityFieldsEach UserEntityField holds information associated to a given entity-user combination, such as preferences or interest scores.
- UserInterestScore Represent User's Interest Score in a entity