
Spring policy

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type SpringPolicy implements HubPolicy, Node, NodeVersion {
  • # unique policy identifier
  • policyId: String!
  • # CSP user who created hub policy
  • createdBy: User!
  • # Timestamp at which hub policy is created. Expressed in UTC ISO-8601 format
  • creationTime: DateTime!
  • # CSP project id associated with policy
  • cspProjects: [Entity!]
  • # Policy description
  • description: LocalizedString
  • # schedule is enabled for this policy
  • enabled: Boolean!
  • # policy schedule cron expression
  • executionSchedule: SpringPolicyExecutionSchedule!
  • # Opaque identifier for a policy, to be used to identify a policy uniquely in hub
  • # graph
  • id: ID!
  • # Timestamp at which hub policy is updated. Expressed in UTC ISO-8601 format
  • lastUpdateTime: DateTime
  • # Opaque version string for this graph node instance
  • nodeVersion: ID!
  • # Policy name
  • policyName: LocalizedString!
  • # provider name for this policy
  • policyProvider: String!
  • # policy rule
  • rule: SpringPolicyRule!
  • # CSP user who updated hub policy
  • updatedBy: User
  • }