Sorting order for the results, multiple fields with with independent sorting order can be specified. Has a default sort order of Ascending.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input QuerySort {
- # The field on which to sort
- String! :
- # The sort order ASC/DESC
- QuerySortOrder! :
- }
link Require by
- AriaNotificationTargetsProviderDescribes a notification target provider for Aria
- ArtifactMetadataArtifactMetadata is a container for additional information about an artifact. An artifact represents the files/images used to deploy a runnable resource whether that be an application, container or VM, not the actual running resource. As of now we support ArtifactSBOMInfo as metadata. Domain specific implementation may add more metadata as appropriate
- ArtifactMetadataQueriesquery entrypoint for artifact metadata provider
- ArtifactMetadataQueryProvidernull
- ArtifactVulnerabilityQueryQueries for ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationship
- AuthContextnull
- AuthUserContextnull
- BuildQueryQuery the build subsystem
- DashboardQuerynull
- DocumentQuerynull
- EntityPrimary Entity type in the graph, implementing the individual EntityNode interface and with additional fields permitting traversals to other entities in the entity topology and to access other graph nodes with information related to the entity.
- EntityQuerynull
- EntitySearchInputSpecify search parameters
- EntitySSQLQuerySecure State Query Language (SSQL) allows the user to search the Entity model. For more details please see:
- FindingEntityInfonull
- FindingNotificationRulesProvidernull
- FindingNotificationTargetsProviderDescribes a notification target provider for Aria
- FindingQueryQuery the finding subsystem
- FinOpsCostAnomalyQueriesnull
- FinOpsDatasetnull
- FinOpsQueriesnull
- FinOpsRightsizingQueriesnull
- FinOpsSavingsManagementAggregationQueriesnull
- GuardrailsAccountStateGuardrails representation for an account state. All top level fields like name, description, accountStateType, accountStateProvider will be removed in future and will be coming from ManagementEndpoint. JIRA for the same VRAE-35809.
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunGuardrailsDesiredStateRun - It is a point-in-time instance of guardrails desired state run.
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunResponseencapsulation of one or more runs resulting from a desired state being run
- HubPolicyQueriesquery entrypoint for hub policy provider
- HubPolicyQueriesProvidernull
- HubQueryTanzu Hub Query Language is derived from Secure State Query Language (SSQL) and allows the user to search and query the graph model. Until this has specific documentation please see:
- InsightNotificationRulesProvidernull
- InsightQueryInsight queries
- ManagementEndpointA management endpoint is an abstraction of the place to which to connect to monitor/manage a system. In the public cloud world this can be considered as an "account" (AWS), "subscription" (Azure), or "project" (GCP). In the on-prem vCenter / VMX world a management endpoint can refer to a vCenter or NSX-Manager instance and its URL. In order to support other management endpoints in the future, the management endpoint is considered a point through which a system, with its discovered entities, can be monitored and/or managed.
- ManagementEndpointQuerynull
- NotificationRulesProviderInterface that all notification rules providers must implement
- NotificationRulesQuerynull
- NotificationTargetsProvidernull
- NotificationTargetsQuerynull
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRulesProvidernull
- ObservabilityAlertQueryProviderprovider for alert query
- ObservationA point-in-time observation about the state of something in the system which may interest our insight service
- ObservationQueryObservation queries
- Repository Represents a repository available for a given repository endpoint Eg. cmbu/guardrails-service
- RepositoryEndpointRepresents an endpoint that can be used access one or more repositories. Eg. Example providers (gitlab, github). Concrete implementation would also add other details like credentials to this as applicable.
- RepositoryQueriesquery entrypoint for Repository provider
- RepositoryQueryProvidernull
- SecurityControlDescribes a security control
- SecurityEntityInfonull
- SecurityQueryQuery the security subsystem
- SecurityRulenull
- SpringArtifactMetadataThis represents meta data for an Spring artifact. This meta data will be enriched by different assessments, where each assessment will add some information to the metadata
- SpringArtifactMetadataQueryProvider# Spring Artifact specific implementation
- SpringArtifactRepositoryRepository can be a git repository or just folder structure where source code is present. User will be generating the SBOM or library libraryDependency file from the source code repository.
- SpringArtifactRepositoryEndpointRepresents an endpoint that can be used access one or more repositories. Eg. As of now we are only supporting PRIVATE repositories, so there is no need to configure credentials in SAAS. PUBLIC will be supported in next phase
- SpringArtifactRepositoryQueryProvidernull
- SpringArtifactSBOMRepresents a software bundle or unit. This is a hierarchical structure where one package may have other packages as dependencies.
- SpringPolicyQueryProviderprovider for spring query
- TanzuHubPolicyQueryProvidernull