Spring Artifact Metadata version
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type SpringArtifactMetadataVersion implements ArtifactMetadataVersion, Node {
- # Query aggregated information on meta version
- #
- # Arguments
- # aggregationsInput: Specify aggregation buckets
- (
- ArtifactAssessmentAggregationInput!]! : [
- ): [ArtifactAssessmentAggregations]!
- # Artifact metadata with which this version is associated
- SpringArtifactMetadata! :
- # Domain-specific artifact metadata version identifier
- String! :
- # Recommendations for this artifact metadata version
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
- # Relay spec
- # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
- # Relay spec
- # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
- # GraphQL Relay spec
- (
- String, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): SpringArtifactRecommendationConnection!
- # List of SBOMs associated with this artifact metadata version
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
- # Relay spec
- # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
- # Relay spec
- # filter: This is not supported as of now, will be supported in
- # future
- # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
- # GraphQL Relay spec
- # sbomFilter: [Not documented]
- (
- String, :
- String, :
- QueryFilter, :
- Int, :
- SpringArtifactSBOMFilterInput :
- ): SpringArtifactSBOMConnection!
- # SBOM summary associated with this artifact metadata version
- SpringArtifactSBOMSummary :
- SpringArtifactAssessment :
- # Timestamp at which this version is created. Expressed in UTC ISO-8601 format
- DateTime! :
- # external version identifier, this may represent a RepositoryVersion or a
- # CatalogItem identifier
- String! :
- # Global opaque identifier to meet Node contract
- ID! :
- # Timestamp at which the analysis was done. Expressed in UTC ISO-8601 format
- DateTime! :
- # The repository version associated with this metadata version
- SpringArtifactRepositoryVersion :
- }
link Require by
- SpringArtifactMetadataVersionConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactMetadataVersionEdgenull
- SpringArtifactRecommendationAssessment recommendations based on the Artifact Metadata, contributing to other tanzu hub products upsell."
- SpringArtifactRepositoryRepository can be a git repository or just folder structure where source code is present. User will be generating the SBOM or library libraryDependency file from the source code repository.
- SpringArtifactTraitsnull