Credential - holds credential information that can be used to access one or more cloud accounts.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input ManagementEndpointCredentialsInput {
- # User specified name for the credential
- String! :
- # Credential Type could be user credential/Auth token/Certificate.
- ManagementEndpointCredentialType! :
- # CSP projects associated with the endpoint.
- # Empty list input disassociates Credential and the CSP project(s) in update
- # operation
- EntityId!] : [
- # Opaque global identifier of endpoint credentials. In case of an existing record,
- # the ID will be used to identify
- # the credentials otherwise the record will be created with a generated opaque ID
- ID :
- # This defines the permission type of the credential.
- # Permissions are set based on the usage of the credential.
- ManagementEndpointCredentialPermissionType :
- # List of properties supported for the credential.
- # User Credential has properties userName and password
- ManagementEndpointPropertyInput!]! : [
- # This defines the permission scopes of the credential.
- ManagementEndpointCredentialScope!] : [
- # Tags associated with the credential.
- TagInput!] : [
- }
link Require by
- ManagementEndpointCredentialRequest Management Endpoint Credential Request
- ManagementEndpointDiscoveredAccountInputnull
- ManagementEndpointMutationnull
- ManagementEndpointUpsertWithCredentialInput Cloud account onboarding request. It will create/update the cloud account with provided account and credential details