link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum SpringPolicyDimension {
- # Topic: ENVIRONMENT, Java Version, Eg. 1.8.0_212
- # Topic: ENVIRONMENT, Operating System Name on which the application is running,
- # Eg. Linux
- # Topic: ENVIRONMENT, Java Vendor Name, Eg. BellSoft, Oracle
- # Topic: ENVIRONMENT, Spring boot Version, Eg. 3.2.2
- # Topic: ENVIRONMENT, Name of user that started the application, Eg. root
- # Topic: CONFIGURATION, Configuration value for property
- # management.endpoints.web.exposure.include, Eg. *, configprops, beans
- # Topic: CONFIGURATION, Configuration value for property
- # management.security.enabled
- # Topic: CONFIGURATION, Configuration value for property endpoint.shutdown.enabled
- # Topic: CONFIGURATION, Logging level for org.springframework
- # Topic: CONFIGURATION, Logging level for org.springframework.web
- # Topic: CONFIGURATION, Configuration value for property spring.jpa.show-sq
- # Topic: CONFIGURATION, Configuration value for property
- # spring.cloud.config.enabled
- # Topic: CONFIGURATION, Port on which this spring application is running
- # Topic: PACKAGE, Support Status for packages for a Spring Application
- # Topic: PACKAGE, Indication of how much effort is needed to upgrade a package.
- # `High Effort` would mean breaking changes and `No Effort` would mean no effort
- # Topic: VULNERABILITY, CVE ID for the vulnerability
- # Topic: VULNERABILITY, Vulnerability severity rating based on v3 cvss rating
- }