
Observability Log Alert rule

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type ObservabilityLogAlertRule {
  • # Aggregation which needs to be applied on queried logs
  • aggregation: ObservabilityAggregationFunction!
  • # Observability alerting condition which needs to be applied on queried logs
  • alertCondition: ObservabilityLogAlertCondition!
  • # Frequency of alert evaluation in minutes
  • alertEvaluationFrequencyInMins: Int!
  • # Optional namespace from which to collect logs
  • namespace: String
  • # Query options to filter logs
  • queryString: ObservabilityQueryFilterType!
  • # If provided and the value is positive non-zero, then this indicates window in
  • # minutes the condition needs to be inactive/false to resolve Alert.
  • # If not provided or the value is either zero or negative, then this indicates
  • # that the log alert doesn't need resolution management and is stateless.
  • resolveWindowInMins: Int
  • # Window in minutes the condition needs to be active to trigger the alert
  • triggerWindowInMins: Int!
  • }