Observability Alert provider filer input
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input ObservabilityAlertFilterInput {
- # Observability Alert type, ex: METRIC, LOG
- ObservabilityAlertType :
- # Filter Alerts by createdBy
- String :
- # Filter Alerts based on whether schedule is enabled or not
- Boolean :
- # Filter alerts based on entity ID
- String!] : [
- # Filter alerts based on entity type
- String :
- # Filter Alerts by name
- String!] : [
- # Filter Alerts by Id(use policyId)
- String!] : [
- # Template ID of the observability alert runbook
- String :
- # Filter Alerts Source of the alert
- String :
- # Observability Alert Threshold type, ex: STATIC, DYNAMIC
- ObservabilityAlertThresholdType :
- # Filter Alerts by updatedBy
- String :
- }