The Boolean
scalar type represents true
or false
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Boolean
link Require by
- ApplicationEngineQuerynull
- AriaNotificationTargetDescribes a notification target for Aria
- AriaNotificationTargetTypeDescribes a notification target type for Aria
- AriaNotificationUpsertTargetInputnull
- AuthContextnull
- AuthRolenull
- AuthRoleBindingnull
- AuthUserContextnull
- BusinessAppMutationnull
- ConversationalStreamEventThe payload depends on stream's payloadType and can represent for instance graphQL query, graphQL query response, graphql response summary etc
- DerivedDataCachingHintsInputnull
- EntityChangeLogEntrynull
- EntityGroupMutationnull
- EntityPropertynull
- EntityQuerynull
- EntitySearchInfonull
- EntitySSQLAutocompleteResponsenull
- EntitySSQLQuerySecure State Query Language (SSQL) allows the user to search the Entity model. For more details please see:
- EntitySSQLValidationResponsenull
- EntityTraversalFilterInputnull
- EntityTraversalInputInput defining an entity graph traversal step
- EntityTraversalRecursionInfoSpecify optional recursion information for a traversal An example usage is to recurse down to a maximum depth from a parent group to all its leaf-node members, where a group can contain other groups or other resources.
- EventsNotificationRulenull
- EventsNotificationRuleInputInput specifying changes or create to a notification rule
- FindingChangeSuppressionInputnull
- FindingCreateNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingCreateNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingCreateReportConfigurationInputnull
- FindingCreateSuppressionInputnull
- FindingNotificationRulenull
- FindingNotificationRuleFilterInputnull
- FindingNotificationRuleMutationProvidernull
- FindingNotificationTargetDescribes a Notification Target
- FindingNotificationTargetFilterInputnull
- FindingNotificationTargetTestResultFindingNotificationTargetTestResult holds details about the result of the Notification Target Test performed.
- FindingNotificationTargetTypeDescribes a Finding Target Type method
- FindingNotificationTargetValidationResultnull
- FindingPatchNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingPatchNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingPatchReportConfigurationInputnull
- FindingPatchSuppressionInputnull
- FindingReportConfigurationReport Configuration.
- FindingResubmitSuppressionInputnull
- FindingShareFindingsInputnull
- FindingSuppressionChangenull
- FindingUpdateNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingUpdateNotificationTargetInputnull
- FindingUpdateReportConfigurationInputnull
- FindingUpdateSuppressionInputnull
- FinOpsAzureVmInstanceRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the Azure VM
- FinOpsCostAnomalyCost anomaly metadata.
- FinOpsCostAnomalyMetricPointA single metric point.
- FinOpsCostByPeriodEncapsulates the cost of an entity over a specified time period.
- FinOpsDatasetnull
- FinOpsDatasetColumnInfonull
- FinOpsDatasetQueryInputnull
- FinOpsDatasetSchemaMetadatanull
- FinOpsEBSVolumeRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the EBS volume
- FinOpsEC2InstanceRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the EC2 instance
- FinOpsRDSInstanceRecommendedOptionThe additional recommendations for the RDS instance
- FinOpsReportChartColumnInputnull
- FinOpsReportMutationnull
- FinOpsReportNotificationNotification details
- FinOpsReportNotificationInputNotification Details Input
- FinOpsReportQuerynull
- FinOpsReportQueryInputReport Query Parameters
- FinOpsReportQueryTimeRangenull
- FinOpsReportQueryTimeRangeInputnull
- FinOpsRightsizingRecommendationDetails of Rightsizing recommendation
- FinOpsRightsizingRecommendationRequestInputThe rightsizing request which specifies the parameters for executing the request
- FinOpsTimeRangeInputnull
- GuardrailsAccountStateGuardrails representation for an account state. All top level fields like name, description, accountStateType, accountStateProvider will be removed in future and will be coming from ManagementEndpoint. JIRA for the same VRAE-35809.
- GuardrailsDesiredStatenull
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunGuardrailsDesiredStateRun - It is a point-in-time instance of guardrails desired state run.
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunResponseencapsulation of one or more runs resulting from a desired state being run
- GuardrailsRemediationActionAction is a definition of which remediation Job is run when certain criteria are met
- GuardrailsRemediationRunsDefine the 'RemediationRuns' type. Run is single remediation Job execution
- GuardrailsTargetExpressionA Guardrails target expression is used to identify target accounts. This can static
- GuardrailsTargetExpressionFilternull
- GuardrailsTemplateGuardrailsTemplate - It is a collection of guardrail states as code including landing zone, preventive guardrails, detective guardrails, all expressed as code.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupGuardrailsWorkerGroup
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupJobsGuardrails Worker Group jobs type
- HubPolicyHub policy
- HubQueryTanzu Hub Query Language is derived from Secure State Query Language (SSQL) and allows the user to search and query the graph model. Until this has specific documentation please see:
- HubQueryAutocompleteResponsenull
- HubQueryTranslationnull
- Insightnull
- InsightConfigurationInsightConfiguration type. InsightConfiguration is aggregated configurations per tenant
- InsightCorrelationRuleInsightCorrelationRule type. InsightCorrelationRule are rules used to correlate Observations and create Insights
- InsightFilterInput parameter for insights query
- InsightNotificationRulenull
- InsightNotificationRuleInputInput specifying changes or create to a notification rule
- InsightRuleBase Interface for insight rules
- InsightRuleConstraintConstarint/Condition used by Insight Correlation Rule
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetStatusHealthnull
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupSpecClusterGroupSpec defines the desired state of ClusterGroup
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupSpecInputClusterGroupSpec defines the desired state of ClusterGroup
- KubernetesKindConfigMapConfigMap holds configuration data for pods to consume.
- KubernetesKindConfigMapInputConfigMap holds configuration data for pods to consume.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecNonSecretEnvnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanSpecNonSecretEnvInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecContainerAppSpec defines the desired state of ContainerApp
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecInputContainerAppSpec defines the desired state of ContainerApp
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingSpecAutoAssignnull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingSpecAutoAssignInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecLogComponentsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecLogComponentsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecNetworknull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterSpecNetworkInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecKubernetesVersionsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecKubernetesVersionsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsLaunchTemplatesVersionsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsLaunchTemplatesVersionsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsVpcsSubnetsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsVpcsSubnetsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecDeleteOptionsDeleteOptions may be provided
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecDeleteOptionsInputDeleteOptions may be provided
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterSpecKubernetesClusterSpec defines the desired state of KubernetesCluster
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterSpecInputKubernetesClusterSpec defines the desired state of KubernetesCluster
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterStatusCapabilitiesnull
- KubernetesKindMutateAgentTargetMutator for AgentTarget
- KubernetesKindMutateAvailabilityTargetMutator for AvailabilityTarget
- KubernetesKindMutateBuildConfigurationMutator for BuildConfiguration
- KubernetesKindMutateBuilderMutator for Builder
- KubernetesKindMutateCertificateProviderMutator for CertificateProvider
- KubernetesKindMutateClassClaimMutator for ClassClaim
- KubernetesKindMutateClusterGroupMutator for ClusterGroup
- KubernetesKindMutateClusterRoleMutator for ClusterRole
- KubernetesKindMutateClusterRoleBindingMutator for ClusterRoleBinding
- KubernetesKindMutateClusterSyncResourceSetMutator for ClusterSyncResourceSet
- KubernetesKindMutateConfigMapMutator for ConfigMap
- KubernetesKindMutateContainerAppMutator for ContainerApp
- KubernetesKindMutateContainerAppBuildPlanMutator for ContainerAppBuildPlan
- KubernetesKindMutateCredentialMutator for Credential
- KubernetesKindMutateDNSProviderMutator for DNSProvider
- KubernetesKindMutateDNSRoutingPolicyMutator for DNSRoutingPolicy
- KubernetesKindMutateDomainMutator for Domain
- KubernetesKindMutateDomainBindingMutator for DomainBinding
- KubernetesKindMutateEgressPointMutator for EgressPoint
- KubernetesKindMutateEKSClusterMutator for EKSCluster
- KubernetesKindMutateEKSNodepoolMutator for EKSNodepool
- KubernetesKindMutateEKSOptionMutator for EKSOption
- KubernetesKindMutateEventMutator for Event
- KubernetesKindMutateEvictionMutator for Eviction
- KubernetesKindMutateHealthProbeMutator for HealthProbe
- KubernetesKindMutateHTTPRouteMutator for HTTPRoute
- KubernetesKindMutateKubernetesClusterMutator for KubernetesCluster
- KubernetesKindMutateLimitRangeMutator for LimitRange
- KubernetesKindMutateManagedNamespaceMutator for ManagedNamespace
- KubernetesKindMutateManagedNamespaceSetMutator for ManagedNamespaceSet
- KubernetesKindMutateNamedTaskMutator for NamedTask
- KubernetesKindMutateNamespaceMutator for Namespace
- KubernetesKindMutateNetworkNeighborSetMutator for NetworkNeighborSet
- KubernetesKindMutatePackageMutator for Package
- KubernetesKindMutatePackageInstallMutator for PackageInstall
- KubernetesKindMutatePackageMetadataMutator for PackageMetadata
- KubernetesKindMutatePackageRepositoryMutator for PackageRepository
- KubernetesKindMutatePodSecurityPolicyMutator for PodSecurityPolicy
- KubernetesKindMutatePreProvisionedServiceMutator for PreProvisionedService
- KubernetesKindMutateProfileMutator for Profile
- KubernetesKindMutateProjectMutator for Project
- KubernetesKindMutateRoleMutator for Role
- KubernetesKindMutateRoleBindingMutator for RoleBinding
- KubernetesKindMutateSecretMutator for Secret
- KubernetesKindMutateSecretExportMutator for SecretExport
- KubernetesKindMutateServiceAccountMutator for ServiceAccount
- KubernetesKindMutateServiceBindingMutator for ServiceBinding
- KubernetesKindMutateSpaceMutator for Space
- KubernetesKindMutateSpaceDisruptionBudgetMutator for SpaceDisruptionBudget
- KubernetesKindMutateSpaceOutputMutator for SpaceOutput
- KubernetesKindMutateSpringCloudGatewayMappingMutator for SpringCloudGatewayMapping
- KubernetesKindMutateSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigMutator for SpringCloudGatewayRouteConfig
- KubernetesKindMutateSyncResourceSetMutator for SyncResourceSet
- KubernetesKindMutateTraitMutator for Trait
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitUses git to clone repository containing package list
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecFetchGitInputUses git to clone repository containing package list
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositorySpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusDeploynull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitUses git to clone repository
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecFetchGitInputUses git to clone repository
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttUse ytt to template configuration
- KubernetesKindPackageSpecTemplateSpecTemplateYttInputUse ytt to template configuration
- KubernetesKindSecretSecret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values in the Data field must be less than MaxSecretSize bytes.
- KubernetesKindSecretInputSecret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values in the Data field must be less than MaxSecretSize bytes.
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountServiceAccount binds together: * a name, understood by users, and perhaps by peripheral systems, for an identity * a principal that can be authenticated and authorized * a set of secrets
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountInputServiceAccount binds together: * a name, understood by users, and perhaps by peripheral systems, for an identity * a principal that can be authenticated and authorized * a set of secrets
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecOpenapiGenerationnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecOpenapiGenerationInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecRoutesnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecRoutesInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecRoutesOpenapiGenerationnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecRoutesOpenapiGenerationInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecServiceKubernetes Service to route traffic to specified `spec.routes`.
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecServiceInputKubernetes Service to route traffic to specified `spec.routes`.
- KubernetesLogParamsnull
- KubernetesMutateBulkResourcesnull
- KubernetesMutateResourcenull
- KubernetesPackageCatalogMutationProvidernull
- KubernetesResourceKindDefinition of a resource kind
- KubernetesResourceMetadataOwnerReferenceOwnerReference contains enough information to let you identify an owning object. An owning object must be in the same namespace as the dependent, or be cluster-scoped, so there is no namespace field.
- LogSchemanull
- ManagementEndpointCollectorInput A Management endpoint collector is associated to a given management endpoint and Management endpoint collector can attach either self or managed by managed boolean flag.
- ManagementEndpointCollectorProperties Management Endpoint Collector Properties
- ManagementEndpointCredentialPropertyDefinitionnull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialValidationnull
- ManagementEndpointMutationnull
- ManagementEndpointPropertyMetadatanull
- ManagementEndpointPropertyServicenull
- ManagementEndpointQuerynull
- ManagementEndpointValidationnull
- NotificationRulenull
- NotificationTargetDescribes a notification target
- NotificationTargetTypeDescribes a notification target type
- NotificationTargetTypeInputPropertynull
- ObservabilityAlertObservability Alert to trigger Alerts on metrics/logs
- ObservabilityAlertFilterInputObservability Alert provider filer input
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRulenull
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleInputInput specifying changes or create to a notification rule
- ObservabilityLogAlertObservability Log Alert to trigger Alerts on logs
- ObservabilityMetricAlertObservability Metric Alert to trigger Alerts on metrics
- ObservationA point-in-time observation about the state of something in the system which may interest our insight service
- ObservationMappingRuleObservationMappingRule type. ObservationMappingRule specifies how to map an alert from generic source to Observation object, along with paired alert template used to configure external monitor tool webhook. Paired alert template is a convenience to user, API doesn't enforce its presence, because if user has other ways to send alerts, so long as alert content conforms to spec, it can be mapped to Observation.
- ObservationTaggingRuleTaggingRule type. TaggingRules are rules used to add user-defined tags to Observations based on rule conditions.
- ObservationTagGroupObservationTagGroup type. ObservationTagGroup is to group ML tags with similar semantic meaning
- PageInfoRelay-compatible paging support. Please see: [GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification](
- RepositoryAssessmentInputnull
- SecurityAlertnull
- SecurityAlertsFilterInputnull
- SecurityCreateAlertInputnull
- SecurityCreateFrameworkInputnull
- SecurityCreateReportConfigurationInputnull
- SecurityFeatureFlagnull
- SecurityFindingsSourceDescribes a security findings source
- SecurityFindingsSourcesFilterInputnull
- SecurityFrameworkDescribes a security framework
- SecurityIntegrationDescribes a security integration
- SecurityIntegrationMethodInfoDescribes a security integration method
- SecurityIntegrationsFilterInputnull
- SecurityMutationMutate security subsystem
- SecurityPatchAlertInputnull
- SecurityPatchFindingsSourceInputnull
- SecurityPatchFrameworkInputnull
- SecurityPatchIntegrationInputnull
- SecurityPatchReportConfigurationInputnull
- SecurityPatchRuleInputnull
- SecurityReportConfigurationReport Configuration.
- SecurityRulenull
- SecurityRulesFilterInputnull
- SecurityShareFindingsInputnull
- SecurityTestIntegrationSecurityTestIntegration holds details about the result of the performed test
- SecurityUpdateAlertInputnull
- SecurityUpdateFrameworkInputnull
- SecurityUpdateReportConfigurationInputnull
- SecurityUpsertFindingsSourceInputnull
- SecurityUpsertIntegrationInputnull
- SecurityUpsertRuleInputnull
- SecurityValidateIntegrationnull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryRepository can be a git repository or just folder structure where source code is present. User will be generating the SBOM or library libraryDependency file from the source code repository.
- SpringArtifactRepositoryUpdateInputnull
- SpringPolicySpring policy
- SpringPolicyDimensionInfonull
- SpringPolicyFilterInputSpring provider policy filer input
- SpringPolicyFindingSpring policy finding information
- SpringPolicyRuleFindingInputSpring policy finding input
- StatAnomalynull
- StatsForecastInputnull
- StatsProviderInfonull
- Subscriptionnull
- TanzuHubPolicyHub policy
- TanzuHubPolicyFilterPolicy filter
- TanzuHubPolicyMutationnull
- _NotificationRulePrivatenull
- _NotificationTargetPrivatenull
- _NotificationTargetTypePrivatenull
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name, description and optional `specifiedByURL`, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.