Application Engine Resource Interface
link GraphQL Schema definition
- interface KubernetesResourceInterface {
- # Kubernetes resource API version
- String! :
- # Resource context
- KubernetesResourceContext! :
- # Opaque global node ID
- ID! :
- # JSON version of raw response from KRM API
- JSON! :
- # Kubernetes resource kind coming from resourceKind.kind
- String! :
- KubernetesResourceMetadata! :
- # Instance name, coming from
- String! :
- # Kubernetes resource kind metadata
- KubernetesResourceKind! :
- # YAML version of raw response from KRM API
- String! :
- }
link Require by
- ApplicationEngineEntityTraitThis type is a placeholder for Application Engine related EntityTrait.
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetAvailabilityTarget is the Schema for the availabilitytargets API
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindBindableResourceDefinition of a bindable resource
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationBuildConfiguration is the Schema for the buildconfiguaration API
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindBuilderBuilder is the Schema for the Builder API
- KubernetesKindBuilderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderCertificateProvider is the Schema for the certificateproviders API
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClassClaimClassClaim is the Schema for the classclaims API
- KubernetesKindClassClaimRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupClusterGroup is the schema for the ClusterGroup API
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleClusterRole is a cluster level, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingClusterRoleBinding references a ClusterRole, but not contain it. It can reference a ClusterRole in the global namespace, and adds who information via Subject.
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetSyncResourceSet is the Schema for the ClusterSyncResourceSets API
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindConfigMapConfigMap holds configuration data for pods to consume.
- KubernetesKindConfigMapRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppContainerApp is the Schema for the containerapps API
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanContainerAppBuildPlan is the Schema for the containerappbuildplan API
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindCredentialCredential is the Schema for the credentials API
- KubernetesKindCredentialRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDNSProvidernull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicynull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDomainnull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingDomainBinding CRD defines the connection between a Domain and a Space
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDomainRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEgressPointEgressPoint is the Schema for the egresspoints API
- KubernetesKindEgressPointRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterEKSCluster is the Schema for the EKSCluster API
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolEKSNodepool is the Schema for the EKSNodepool API
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionEKSOption is the Schema for the EKSOption API
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEventEvent is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster.
- KubernetesKindEventRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEvictionEviction evicts a managed namespace from its scheduled cluster subject to space disruption budget
- KubernetesKindEvictionRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeHealthProbe is the Schema for the HealthProbe API
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteHTTPRoute provides a way to route HTTP requests. This includes the capability to match requests by hostname, path, header, or query param. Filters can be used to specify additional processing steps. Backends specify where matching requests should be routed.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterKubernetesCluster is the Schema for the KubernetesCluster API
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeLimitRange sets resource usage limits for each kind of resource in a Namespace.
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceManagedNamespace is the Schema for the managednamespaces API
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetManagedNamespaceSet is the Schema for the managednamespacesets API
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskNamedTask is the Schema for the NamedTask API
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNamespaceNamespace provides a scope for Names. Use of multiple namespaces is optional.
- KubernetesKindNamespaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetNetworkNeighborSet is the Schema for the networkneighborsets API
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackagenull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallA Package Install is an actual installation of a package and its underlying resources on a Kubernetes cluster. It is represented in kapp-controller by a PackageInstall CR. A PackageInstall CR must reference a Package CR.
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadatanull
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryA package repository is a collection of packages and their metadata. Similar to a maven repository or a rpm repository, adding a package repository to a cluster gives users of that cluster the ability to install any of the packages from that repository.
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicyPodSecurityPolicy is the Schema for the PodSecurityPolicy API.
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicyRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceDescribes a pre-provisioned service instance
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindProfilenull
- KubernetesKindProfileRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindProjectnull
- KubernetesKindProjectRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindRoleRole is a namespaced, logical grouping of PolicyRules that can be referenced as a unit by a RoleBinding.
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingRoleBinding references a role, but does not contain it. It can reference a Role in the same namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace. It adds who information via Subjects and namespace information by which namespace it exists in. RoleBindings in a given namespace only have effect in that namespace.
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindRoleRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSecretSecret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values in the Data field must be less than MaxSecretSize bytes.
- KubernetesKindSecretExportnull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSecretRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountServiceAccount binds together: * a name, understood by users, and perhaps by peripheral systems, for an identity * a principal that can be authenticated and authorized * a set of secrets
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingServiceBinding is the Schema for the servicebindings API
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpace is the Schema for the spaces API
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetSpaceDisruptionBudget is the Schema for the spacedisruptionbudget API
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputSpaceOutput is the Schema for the spaceoutputs API
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfignull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetSyncResourceSet is the Schema for the SyncResourceSets API
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindTraitnull
- KubernetesKindTraitRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesMutateBulkResourcesnull
- KubernetesMutateResourcenull
- KubernetesResourceGeneric Kubernetes resource
- KubernetesResourceConnectionEdgeInterfaceInterface for all KubernetesResourceConnectionEdges
- KubernetesResourceConnectorRelationshipnull
- KubernetesResourceControllerRelationshipnull
- KubernetesResourceEventEvent from a resource subscription
- KubernetesResourceInterfaceConnectionConnection type for KubernetesResourceInterface nodes
- KubernetesResourceInterfaceConnectionEdgeConnection Edge type for KubernetesResourceInterface nodes
- KubernetesResourceMetadataOwnerReferenceOwnerReference contains enough information to let you identify an owning object. An owning object must be in the same namespace as the dependent, or be cluster-scoped, so there is no namespace field.
- KubernetesResourceRelationshipsany relationship may be available from a generic kubernetes resource