The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Int
link Require by
- ApplicationEngineContainerAppReplicaLogParamsnull
- ApplicationEngineEntityTraitThis type is a placeholder for Application Engine related EntityTrait.
- ApplicationEngineQuerynull
- AriaNotificationTargetConnectionnull
- AriaNotificationTargetsProviderDescribes a notification target provider for Aria
- AriaNotificationTargetTypeConnectionnull
- ArtifactAssessmentAn analysis done on an artifact is an assessment. An assessment is an operational data that captures user/project visibility information. Domain specific implementation may add to this as appropriate.
- ArtifactAssessmentConnectionnull
- ArtifactAssessmentRecommendationConnectionnull
- ArtifactMetadataArtifactMetadata is a container for additional information about an artifact. An artifact represents the files/images used to deploy a runnable resource whether that be an application, container or VM, not the actual running resource. As of now we support ArtifactSBOMInfo as metadata. Domain specific implementation may add more metadata as appropriate
- ArtifactMetadataConnectionnull
- ArtifactMetadataQueriesquery entrypoint for artifact metadata provider
- ArtifactMetadataQueryProvidernull
- ArtifactMetadataVersionRepresents version of an artifact metadata. Each version of metadata may have different SBOM (Or any other future metadata) information.
- ArtifactMetadataVersionConnectionnull
- ArtifactRepositoryRecommendationArtifact repository recommendation - captures vulnerability and support posture improvement with different upgrade efforts
- ArtifactSBOMRepresents a software bundle or unit. This is a hierarchical structure where one package may have other packages as dependencies.
- ArtifactSBOMConnectionnull
- ArtifactVulnerabilityConnectionnull
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityCountBySeverityCount of vulnerability for a given severity
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityCountWithTimeVulnerability count over time
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityDetailsConnectionConnection type for ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityDetails
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationshipRelationship between a ArtifactVulnerability and Entities
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationshipConnectionConnection type for ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationship
- ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityTypeCountsCount of entities by type that are affected by this vulnerability
- ArtifactVulnerabilityQueryQueries for ArtifactVulnerabilityEntityRelationship
- AuthContextnull
- AuthContextConnectionnull
- AuthUserContextnull
- BuildQueryQuery the build subsystem
- BuildRunConnectionnull
- BuildRunStepA build run log represents a single step in the build process
- BuildRunStepInputnull
- CatalogA catalog resource represents a collection of software artifacts
- CatalogConnectionnull
- CatalogEntityInfoAn intermediate node that holds catalog information relative to this entity
- CatalogItemnull
- CatalogItemConnectionnull
- CatalogQueriesInterface defining queries that are available in the top-level CatalogQuery and which must also be implemented by all CatalogQueryProviders
- CatalogQuerynull
- CatalogQueryProvidernull
- ConnectionRelay-compatible Connection interface. Please see: [GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification]( Very often the implementing type will extend this to include a type-specific field providing direct access to a list of elements of the implementing node type.
- ConversationalEventStreamnull
- ConversationalEventStreamConnectionnull
- ConversationalPromptnull
- ConversationalPromptConnectionnull
- ConversationalSessionnull
- ConversationalStreamEventThe payload depends on stream's payloadType and can represent for instance graphQL query, graphQL query response, graphql response summary etc
- ConversationalStreamEventConnectionnull
- DashboardConnectionDashboard Connection Type
- DashboardDefaultConnectionDashboardDefault Connection Type
- DashboardQuerynull
- DerivedDataPaginationPagination
- DerivedDataPaginationInputnull
- DocumentConnectionnull
- DocumentQuerynull
- EntityPrimary Entity type in the graph, implementing the individual EntityNode interface and with additional fields permitting traversals to other entities in the entity topology and to access other graph nodes with information related to the entity.
- EntityAggregationInputnull
- EntityChangeLogConnection ==================== File contents from entity_changelog.graphqls
- EntityConnectionnull
- EntityEdgeTraversalPathnull
- EntityPropertynull
- EntityQuerynull
- EntityRelationshipConnectionnull
- EntitySchemaConnectionnull
- EntitySchemaQuery ==================== File contents from query_entity_schema.graphqls
- EntitySchemaSummaryItemnull
- EntitySearchInputSpecify search parameters
- EntitySSQLQuerySecure State Query Language (SSQL) allows the user to search the Entity model. For more details please see:
- EntityTraversalRecursionInfoSpecify optional recursion information for a traversal An example usage is to recurse down to a maximum depth from a parent group to all its leaf-node members, where a group can contain other groups or other resources.
- EventConnectionnull
- EventGroupConnectionnull
- EventsNotificationRuleConnectionnull
- EventStatsConnectionnull
- ExceptionConnectionnull
- ExceptionGroupConnectionnull
- ExceptionStatsnull
- ExceptionTrendRecordStatsnull
- FindingDescribes a Finding
- FindingAggregationInputnull
- FindingAggregationIntervalInputnull
- FindingBulkFailurenull
- FindingChangeSuppressionInputnull
- FindingConnectionnull
- FindingCreateNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingCreateSuppressionInputnull
- FindingEntityInfonull
- FindingNotificationRulenull
- FindingNotificationRuleConnectionnull
- FindingNotificationRulesProvidernull
- FindingNotificationTargetConnectionnull
- FindingNotificationTargetsProviderDescribes a notification target provider for Aria
- FindingNotificationTargetTypeConnectionnull
- FindingPatchNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingPatchSuppressionInputnull
- FindingQueryQuery the finding subsystem
- FindingReportReport metadata.
- FindingReportConfigurationConnectionnull
- FindingReportConfigurationScheduleInputSchedule of the periodic reports. Leave empty for one-time reports.
- FindingReportConfigurationWidgetWidget is a page or report component.
- FindingReportConfigurationWidgetInputWidget is a page or report component.
- FindingReportConnectionnull
- FindingReportScheduleSchedule of the periodic reports. Leave empty for one-time reports.
- FindingResubmitSuppressionInputnull
- FindingSuppressionDescribe a finding suppression
- FindingSuppressionAggregationInputnull
- FindingSuppressionChangenull
- FindingSuppressionsConnectionnull
- FindingUpdateNotificationRuleInputnull
- FindingUpdateSuppressionInputnull
- FinOpsAwsAccountConnectionThe connection type for AWS Account
- FinOpsAzureVmRightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation
- FinOpsCloudCostSmartSummaryEventConnectionThe connection type for cloud cost smart summary
- FinOpsCostAnomalyCost anomaly metadata.
- FinOpsCostAnomalyConnectionThe connection type for cost anomaly.
- FinOpsCostAnomalyQueriesnull
- FinOpsCostAnomalySummarySummary for all the detected anomalies.
- FinOpsDatasetnull
- FinOpsDatasetQueryDimensionsLimitInputnull
- FinOpsDatasetQueryInputnull
- FinOpsDatasetQueryResponsenull
- FinOpsDatasetSchemaConnectionnull
- FinOpsDatasetSummaryConnectionnull
- FinOpsDiscountOpportunitiesSummarySummary for all the opportunities.
- FinOpsEBSRightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation for EBS rightsizing
- FinOpsEC2RightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation for EC2 rightsizing
- FinOpsEntityConfigurationWithCountInputnull
- FinOpsEntityMigrationQueryConfigInputDefine the lower and upper bound for a property
- FinOpsExpiringCommitmentsSummarySummary for expiring commitments data.
- FinOpsQueriesnull
- FinOpsRDSRightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation for RDS rightsizing
- FinOpsReportQuerynull
- FinOpsReportQueryInputReport Query Parameters
- FinOpsReportQueryTimeRangenull
- FinOpsReportQueryTimeRangeInputnull
- FinOpsRightsizingQueriesnull
- FinOpsRightsizingRecommendationConnectionThe connection type for Rightsizing recommendation
- FinOpsRightsizingSummaryThe summary of the evaluation interface
- FinOpsRightsizingUtilizationStatusSummaryThe counts of the Utilization status of the assets under evaluation
- FinOpsSavingsManagementAggregationQueriesnull
- FinOpsSpendBasedDiscountOpportunitiesConnectionnull
- FinOpsSpendBasedDiscountOpportunitynull
- FinOpsTimeRangeInputnull
- FinOpsUnderutilizedCommitmentsSummarySummary for expiring commitments data.
- FinOpsUsageBasedDiscountOpportunitiesConnectionnull
- FinOpsUsageBasedDiscountOpportunitynull
- GuardrailsAccountStateGuardrails representation for an account state. All top level fields like name, description, accountStateType, accountStateProvider will be removed in future and will be coming from ManagementEndpoint. JIRA for the same VRAE-35809.
- GuardrailsAccountStateConnectionGuardrails Account State Connection Type
- GuardrailsAccountSummaryGuardrails account summary - captures counts of different drift types
- GuardrailsDesiredStatenull
- GuardrailsDesiredStateConnectionGuardrails DesiredState Connection Type
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunGuardrailsDesiredStateRun - It is a point-in-time instance of guardrails desired state run.
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunConnectionGuardrails DesiredStateRun Connection Type
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunResponseencapsulation of one or more runs resulting from a desired state being run
- GuardrailsDesiredStateRunSummaryGuardrails desired state run summary
- GuardrailsDesiredStateTargetEncapsulates account associations. The associations are expressed using one or more GuardrailsTargetExpressions.
- GuardrailsEnforcedStateConnectionGuardrails EnforcedState Connection Type
- GuardrailsRemediationRunsDefine the 'RemediationRuns' type. Run is single remediation Job execution
- GuardrailsTargetExpressionA Guardrails target expression is used to identify target accounts. This can static
- GuardrailsTargetExpressionConnectionGuardrails Target Expression Connection Type
- GuardrailsTemplateGuardrailsTemplate - It is a collection of guardrail states as code including landing zone, preventive guardrails, detective guardrails, all expressed as code.
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupGuardrailsWorkerGroup
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupCloudAccountConnectionGuardrails Worker Group Worker Connection Type
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupLogConnectionGuardrails Worker Group Log Connection Type
- GuardrailsWorkerGroupWorkersConnectionGuardrails Worker Group Worker Connection Type
- HubArtifactSbomInfonull
- HubArtifactSBOMInfoConnectionnull
- HubArtifactTraitsnull
- HubArtifactVulnerabilityConnectionnull
- HubPolicyConnectionPolicy connection
- HubPolicyQueriesquery entrypoint for hub policy provider
- HubPolicyQueriesProvidernull
- HubPolicyRunConnectionPolicy run details- Connection object
- HubQueryTanzu Hub Query Language is derived from Secure State Query Language (SSQL) and allows the user to search and query the graph model. Until this has specific documentation please see:
- HubQueryErrorInfonull
- Insightnull
- InsightConnectionnull
- InsightCorrelationRuleInsightCorrelationRule type. InsightCorrelationRule are rules used to correlate Observations and create Insights
- InsightCountByTypenull
- InsightNotificationRuleConnectionnull
- InsightNotificationRulesProvidernull
- InsightQueryInsight queries
- InsightStatsnull
- KubernetesCapabilityConnectionnull
- KubernetesCapabilityInstallConnectionnull
- KubernetesCapabilityQueryProvidernull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindAgentTargetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindAvailabilityTargetStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecEgressPointTemplateTargetsPortEgressPort represents port and protocol
- KubernetesKindBuildConfigurationSpecEgressPointTemplateTargetsPortInputEgressPort represents port and protocol
- KubernetesKindBuilderConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindBuilderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderStatusCertificateProviderStatus defines the observed state of CertificateProvider
- KubernetesKindCertificateProviderStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindClassClaimConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindClassClaimRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClassClaimStatusClassClaimStatus defines the observed state of ClassClaim
- KubernetesKindClassClaimStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindClusterGroupRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindClusterRoleRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindClusterSyncResourceSetStatusSyncsync: expected: 15 actual: 10
- KubernetesKindConfigMapConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindConfigMapRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppBuildPlanRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecContainerAppSpec defines the desired state of ContainerApp
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecInputContainerAppSpec defines the desired state of ContainerApp
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecPortsnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecPortsInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesLivenessPeriodic probe of the App liveness. App will be restarted if the probe fails.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesLivenessHttpGetHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesLivenessHttpGetInputHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesLivenessInputPeriodic probe of the App liveness. App will be restarted if the probe fails.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesReadinessnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesReadinessHttpGetHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesReadinessHttpGetInputHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesReadinessInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesStartupnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesStartupHttpGetHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesStartupHttpGetInputHTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
- KubernetesKindContainerAppSpecProbesStartupInputnull
- KubernetesKindContainerAppStatusHealthnull
- KubernetesKindCredentialConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindCredentialStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecHealthchecknull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderSpecHealthcheckInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderStatusDNSProviderStatus defines the observed state of DNSProvider
- KubernetesKindDNSProviderStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicySpecAviGSLBWeightednull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicySpecAviGSLBWeightedInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicySpecRoute53Weightednull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicySpecRoute53WeightedInputnull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyStatusnull
- KubernetesKindDNSRoutingPolicyStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingSpecDomainBindingSpec defines the desired state of DomainBinding
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingSpecInputDomainBindingSpec defines the desired state of DomainBinding
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingStatusDomainBindingStatus defines the observed state of DomainBinding
- KubernetesKindDomainBindingStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindDomainConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindDomainRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindDomainStatusDomainStatus defines the observed state of Domain
- KubernetesKindDomainStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindEgressPointConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindEgressPointRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEgressPointSpecTargetsPortEgressPort is the port and protocol
- KubernetesKindEgressPointSpecTargetsPortInputEgressPort is the port and protocol
- KubernetesKindEgressPointStatusEgressPointStatus defines the observed state of EgressPoint
- KubernetesKindEgressPointStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusAllocationCpunull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusAllocationMemorynull
- KubernetesKindEKSClusterStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecEKSNodepoolSpec defines the desired state of EKSNodepool
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecInputEKSNodepoolSpec defines the desired state of EKSNodepool
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecTopologyScalingStrategynull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecTopologyScalingStrategyInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecUpdateStrategynull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolSpecUpdateStrategyInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSNodepoolStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsAmisInstancesnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsAmisInstancesInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsImagesnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsImagesInputnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsLaunchTemplatesVersionsnull
- KubernetesKindEKSOptionSpecRegionsLaunchTemplatesVersionsInputnull
- KubernetesKindEventEvent is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster.
- KubernetesKindEventConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindEventInputEvent is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster.
- KubernetesKindEventRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEventSeriesData about the Event series this event represents or nil if it's a singleton Event.
- KubernetesKindEventSeriesInputData about the Event series this event represents or nil if it's a singleton Event.
- KubernetesKindEvictionConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindEvictionRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecnull
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecDeleteOptionsDeleteOptions may be provided
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecDeleteOptionsInputDeleteOptions may be provided
- KubernetesKindEvictionSpecInputnull
- KubernetesKindEvictionStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeSpecHealthProbeSpec defines the expected state of HealthProbe
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeSpecInputHealthProbeSpec defines the expected state of HealthProbe
- KubernetesKindHealthProbeStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsHTTPBackendRef defines how a HTTPRoute should forward an HTTP request.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestMirrorBackendRefBackendRef references a resource where mirrored requests are sent. Mirrored requests must be sent only to a single destination endpoint within this BackendRef, irrespective of how many endpoints are present within this BackendRef. If the referent cannot be found, this BackendRef is invalid and must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route status is set to `status: False` and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. If there is a cross-namespace reference to an *existing* object that is not allowed by a ReferenceGrant, the controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route is set to `status: False`, with the "RefNotPermitted" reason and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. In either error case, the Message of the `ResolvedRefs` Condition should be used to provide more detail about the problem. Support: Extended for Kubernetes Service Support: Implementation-specific for any other resource
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestMirrorBackendRefInputBackendRef references a resource where mirrored requests are sent. Mirrored requests must be sent only to a single destination endpoint within this BackendRef, irrespective of how many endpoints are present within this BackendRef. If the referent cannot be found, this BackendRef is invalid and must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route status is set to `status: False` and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. If there is a cross-namespace reference to an *existing* object that is not allowed by a ReferenceGrant, the controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route is set to `status: False`, with the "RefNotPermitted" reason and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. In either error case, the Message of the `ResolvedRefs` Condition should be used to provide more detail about the problem. Support: Extended for Kubernetes Service Support: Implementation-specific for any other resource
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestRedirectRequestRedirect defines a schema for a filter that responds to the request with an HTTP redirection. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsFiltersRequestRedirectInputRequestRedirect defines a schema for a filter that responds to the request with an HTTP redirection. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesBackendRefsInputHTTPBackendRef defines how a HTTPRoute should forward an HTTP request.
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestMirrorBackendRefBackendRef references a resource where mirrored requests are sent. Mirrored requests must be sent only to a single destination endpoint within this BackendRef, irrespective of how many endpoints are present within this BackendRef. If the referent cannot be found, this BackendRef is invalid and must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route status is set to `status: False` and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. If there is a cross-namespace reference to an *existing* object that is not allowed by a ReferenceGrant, the controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route is set to `status: False`, with the "RefNotPermitted" reason and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. In either error case, the Message of the `ResolvedRefs` Condition should be used to provide more detail about the problem. Support: Extended for Kubernetes Service Support: Implementation-specific for any other resource
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestMirrorBackendRefInputBackendRef references a resource where mirrored requests are sent. Mirrored requests must be sent only to a single destination endpoint within this BackendRef, irrespective of how many endpoints are present within this BackendRef. If the referent cannot be found, this BackendRef is invalid and must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route status is set to `status: False` and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. If there is a cross-namespace reference to an *existing* object that is not allowed by a ReferenceGrant, the controller must ensure the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Route is set to `status: False`, with the "RefNotPermitted" reason and not configure this backend in the underlying implementation. In either error case, the Message of the `ResolvedRefs` Condition should be used to provide more detail about the problem. Support: Extended for Kubernetes Service Support: Implementation-specific for any other resource
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestRedirectRequestRedirect defines a schema for a filter that responds to the request with an HTTP redirection. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteSpecRulesFiltersRequestRedirectInputRequestRedirect defines a schema for a filter that responds to the request with an HTTP redirection. Support: Core
- KubernetesKindHTTPRouteStatusParentsConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindKubernetesClusterStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindLimitRangeRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetSpecAvailabilityTargetsInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetStatusAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSetStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecAvailabilityTargetnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceSpecAvailabilityTargetInputnull
- KubernetesKindManagedNamespaceStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindNamedTaskRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNamespaceConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindNamespaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetSpecNeighborsIngressesnull
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetSpecNeighborsIngressesInputnull
- KubernetesKindNetworkNeighborSetStatusNetworkNeighborSetStatus defines the observed state of NetworkNeighborSet
- KubernetesKindPackageConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallStatusnull
- KubernetesKindPackageInstallStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindPackageMetadataRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusDeploynull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusFetchnull
- KubernetesKindPackageRepositoryStatusTemplatenull
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicyConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindPodSecurityPolicyRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsAvailabilityTargetsValueEgressPointTemplateTargetsPortEgressPort represents port and protocol
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsAvailabilityTargetsValueEgressPointTemplateTargetsPortInputEgressPort represents port and protocol
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsEgressPointTemplateTargetsPortEgressPort represents port and protocol
- KubernetesKindPreProvisionedServiceSpecBindingConnectorsEgressPointTemplateTargetsPortInputEgressPort represents port and protocol
- KubernetesKindProfileConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindProfileRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindProfileStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindProjectConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindProjectRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindRoleBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindRoleConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindRoleRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSecretConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindSecretExportRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSecretExportStatusnull
- KubernetesKindSecretRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindServiceAccountRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindServiceBindingStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindSpaceConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetStatusAvailabilityTargetsATDisruptionBudgetStatus defines the observed state of SpaceDisruptionBudget per AT
- KubernetesKindSpaceDisruptionBudgetStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceOutputRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecSpaceSpec defines the desired state of Space
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecAvailabilityTargetsInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceSpecInputSpaceSpec defines the desired state of Space
- KubernetesKindSpaceStatusSpaceStatus defines the observed state of Space
- KubernetesKindSpaceStatusAvailabilityTargetsnull
- KubernetesKindSpaceStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayMappingRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecRoutesnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecRoutesInputnull
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecServiceKubernetes Service to route traffic to specified `spec.routes`.
- KubernetesKindSpringCloudGatewayRouteConfigSpecServiceInputKubernetes Service to route traffic to specified `spec.routes`.
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindSyncResourceSetStatusSyncsync: expected: 15 actual: 10
- KubernetesKindTraitConnectionnull
- KubernetesKindTraitRelationshipsRelationships to other nodes
- KubernetesKindTraitStatusConditionsCondition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: "Available", "Progressing", and "Degraded" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions"` // other fields }
- KubernetesLogParamsnull
- KubernetesMutateResourcenull
- KubernetesPackageCatalogA catalog represents a collection of installable package definitions.
- KubernetesPackageCatalogConnectionnull
- KubernetesPackageCatalogItemRepresents a specific versioned release an installable package
- KubernetesPackageCatalogItemConnectionnull
- KubernetesPackageCatalogQueryProvidernull
- KubernetesResourceConnectingRelationshipnull
- KubernetesResourceConnectionConnection type for KubernetesResource nodes
- KubernetesResourceConnectionInterfaceInterface for all KubernetesResourceConnections
- KubernetesResourceControllingRelationshipnull
- KubernetesResourceInterfaceConnectionConnection type for KubernetesResourceInterface nodes
- KubernetesResourceKindDefinition of a resource kind
- KubernetesResourceKindConnectionConnection for KubernetesResourceKind
- KubernetesResourceMetadatanull
- KubernetesResourceMetadataInputnull
- KubernetesResourceRelationshipsany relationship may be available from a generic kubernetes resource
- KubernetesStatusStatus is a return value for calls that don't return other objects.
- KubernetesStatusDetailsStatusDetails is a set of additional properties that MAY be set by the server to provide additional information about a response. The Reason field of a Status object defines what attributes will be set. Clients must ignore fields that do not match the defined type of each attribute, and should assume that any attribute may be empty, invalid, or under defined.
- LogConnectionnull
- LogPatternStatisticsnull
- LogPatternStatsStats mapped to a selected window for a pattern in logs, including the count of log patterns and the rate at which they occur
- LogSchemaConnectionnull
- ManagementEndpointA management endpoint is an abstraction of the place to which to connect to monitor/manage a system. In the public cloud world this can be considered as an "account" (AWS), "subscription" (Azure), or "project" (GCP). In the on-prem vCenter / VMX world a management endpoint can refer to a vCenter or NSX-Manager instance and its URL. In order to support other management endpoints in the future, the management endpoint is considered a point through which a system, with its discovered entities, can be monitored and/or managed.
- ManagementEndpointAggregationInputnull
- ManagementEndpointCollectorConnectionnull
- ManagementEndpointConnectionnull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialBrokerConnectionnull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialConnectionnull
- ManagementEndpointCredentialUsageConnectionManagement endpoint credential usage response
- ManagementEndpointCredentialUsageNodeManagement endpoint credential usage information
- ManagementEndpointDiscoveredAccountInputnull
- ManagementEndpointDiscoveredNodeDiscovered node represents a node in the organisation structure discovered for a root account. A node can either represent an account group or an actual account. The differentiation between account group and account can be made on the basis of entity type.
- ManagementEndpointDiscoveredNodeConnectionnull
- ManagementEndpointErrorResponse Management Endpoint Error Response
- ManagementEndpointMemberAccountsByCredPermissionTypeResponseResponse for Query Member Account by Credential Permission Type
- ManagementEndpointQuerynull
- NetworkEntityFlowCountByFlowTypeConnectionsummary of count of flows per entity to a specific destination the summary provided is supports the GraphQL relay pattern to facilitate pagination queries from the clients.
- NetworkQueryRepresents the top level query node for network GraphQL queries.
- NotificationRuleConnectionnull
- NotificationRulesProviderInterface that all notification rules providers must implement
- NotificationRulesQuerynull
- NotificationTargetConnectionnull
- NotificationTargetsProvidernull
- NotificationTargetsQuerynull
- NotificationTargetTypeConnectionnull
- ObservabilityAlertConnectionObservability Alert connection
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRuleConnectionnull
- ObservabilityAlertNotificationRulesProvidernull
- ObservabilityAlertQueryProviderprovider for alert query
- ObservabilityAlertThresholdConditionInputObservability Alert threshold condition input
- ObservabilityLogAlertRuleObservability Log Alert rule
- ObservabilityLogAlertRuleInputObservability Log Alert provider rule input.
- ObservabilityMetricAlertConditionObservability Metric Alert Condition
- ObservabilityMetricAlertConditionInputObservability Alert Condition input
- ObservabilityMetricAlertThresholdConditionmetric Alert Threshold condition
- ObservabilityQuerynull
- ObservabilityRunbookStepTroubleshooting step
- ObservationConnectionnull
- ObservationCountBySourcenull
- ObservationHistogramInputSpecify input details for observation histogram
- ObservationHistogramResultnull
- ObservationQueryObservation queries
- ObservationTagOccurrenceAn entity to keep metadata of a tag
- QueryIntRangeFilterInput Type to provide int ranges.
- Repository Represents a repository available for a given repository endpoint Eg. cmbu/guardrails-service
- RepositoryConnectionnull
- RepositoryEndpointRepresents an endpoint that can be used access one or more repositories. Eg. Example providers (gitlab, github). Concrete implementation would also add other details like credentials to this as applicable.
- RepositoryEndpointConnectionnull
- RepositoryQueriesquery entrypoint for Repository provider
- RepositoryQueryProvidernull
- RepositoryVersionRepresents commit information for a repository. For a git repository this would be commit id
- RepositoryVersionConnectionnull
- SecurityAggregationInputnull
- SecurityAlertnull
- SecurityAlertsConnectionnull
- SecurityChangeLogConnectionnull
- SecurityControlDescribes a security control
- SecurityControlsConnectionnull
- SecurityCreateAlertInputnull
- SecurityCreateSuppressionInputnull
- SecurityEntityInfonull
- SecurityFeatureFlagnull
- SecurityFindingDescribes a security finding
- SecurityFindingsConnectionnull
- SecurityFindingsSourceMethodsConnectionnull
- SecurityFindingsSourcesConnectionnull
- SecurityFrameworksConnectionnull
- SecurityGroupsConnectionnull
- SecurityIntegrationMethodsConnectionnull
- SecurityIntegrationsConnectionnull
- SecurityIntRangeInputRange of Int values
- SecurityPatchAlertInputnull
- SecurityPatchSuppressionInputnull
- SecurityQueryQuery the security subsystem
- SecurityReportReport metadata.
- SecurityReportConfigurationConnectionnull
- SecurityReportConfigurationScheduleSchedule of the periodic reports. Leave empty for one-time reports.
- SecurityReportConfigurationScheduleInputSchedule of the periodic reports. Leave empty for one-time reports.
- SecurityReportConfigurationWidgetWidget is a page or report component.
- SecurityReportConfigurationWidgetInputWidget is a page or report component.
- SecurityReportConnectionnull
- SecurityRulenull
- SecurityRulesConnectionnull
- SecuritySuppressionDescribe a security suppression
- SecuritySuppressionsConnectionnull
- SecurityUpdateAlertInputnull
- SecurityUpdateSuppressionInputnull
- SecurityUpsertSuppressionInputnull
- SpringArtifactAssessmentAssessment is systematically evaluating and appraising a Spring or non-spring Artifacts/GIT Repository. This comprehensive analysis aims to derive valuable insights, findings, and recommendations, ultimately resulting in a detailed report that focuses on specific aspects of the Tanzu Hub product.
- SpringArtifactAssessmentConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactMetadataThis represents meta data for an Spring artifact. This meta data will be enriched by different assessments, where each assessment will add some information to the metadata
- SpringArtifactMetadataConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactMetadataQueryProvider# Spring Artifact specific implementation
- SpringArtifactMetadataVersionSpring Artifact Metadata version
- SpringArtifactMetadataVersionConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactRecommendationConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryRepository can be a git repository or just folder structure where source code is present. User will be generating the SBOM or library libraryDependency file from the source code repository.
- SpringArtifactRepositoryConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryEndpointRepresents an endpoint that can be used access one or more repositories. Eg. As of now we are only supporting PRIVATE repositories, so there is no need to configure credentials in SAAS. PUBLIC will be supported in next phase
- SpringArtifactRepositoryEndpointConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryQueryProvidernull
- SpringArtifactRepositoryVersionSpring Artifact Repository commit information capturing repository snapshot
- SpringArtifactRepositoryVersionConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactSBOMRepresents a software bundle or unit. This is a hierarchical structure where one package may have other packages as dependencies.
- SpringArtifactSBOMConnectionnull
- SpringArtifactTraitsnull
- SpringArtifactVulnerabilityConnectionnull
- SpringPolicyConnectionSpring Policy connection
- SpringPolicyQueryProviderprovider for spring query
- SpringPolicyRunAtTime during the day schedule should run at, its value are in 24 hr format. e.g. timezone -> 'Asia/Kolkata' hour -> 14 min -> 50
- SpringPolicyRunAtInputTime during the day schedule should run at, its value are in 24 hr format. e.g. timezone -> 'Asia/Kolkata' hour -> 14 min -> 50
- SpringPolicyScheduleSchedule for policy execution on a schedule basis.
- SpringPolicyScheduleInputSchedule for policy execution on a schedule basis.
- StatAnomalynull
- StatsAnomalyInputnull
- StatsForecastInputnull
- StatsInputFilters for querying stats
- StatsRelatedEntitiesQueryInputnull
- Subscriptionnull
- TacCatalogA catalog resource represents a set of curated applications available for installation through Tanzu Application Catalog (TAC) for a given organization. Most resources extends graphql built-in Node type because they represent a persisted object in the TAC domain storage.
- TacCatalogConnectionnull
- TacCatalogItemRepresents a specific versioned release an installable package available through VMware Application Catalog. For example, version "6.1.0", revision 7 Also known as "Product" in TAC terminology
- TacCatalogItemConnectionnull
- TacCatalogQueryProvidernull
- TanzuHubPolicyConnectionPolicy
- TanzuHubPolicyQueryProvidernull
- TanzuHubPolicyRunAtTime during the day schedule should run at, its value are in 24 hr format. e.g. timezone -> 'Asia/Kolkata' hour -> 14 min -> 50
- TanzuHubPolicyRunAtInputTime during the day schedule should run at, its value are in 24 hr format. e.g. timezone -> 'Asia/Kolkata' hour -> 14 min -> 50
- TanzuHubPolicyRunConnectionPolicy run details- Connection object
- TanzuHubPolicyScheduleSchedule for policy execution on a schedule basis.
- TanzuHubPolicyScheduleInputSchedule for policy execution on a schedule basis.
- UserConnectionRelay compatible page of Users
- UserQuerynull
- _CatalogConnectionFederatednull
- _CatalogFederatednull
- _CatalogItemConnectionFederatednull
- _CatalogItemFederatednull
- _CatalogQueryProviderFederatednull
- _NotificationRuleConnectionPrivatenull
- _NotificationTargetConnectionPrivatenull
- _NotificationTargetTypeConnectionPrivatenull