link GraphQL Schema definition
- type AuthContext implements Node {
- # Optional child Contexts of this context
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
- # Relay spec
- # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
- # Relay spec
- # contextNameSearch: Optional parameter to search child context
- # by name
- # contextType: Optional parameter to query child contexts of
- # specified types. If not specified, context of all types are returned
- # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
- # GraphQL Relay spec
- # sort: Sort order for records
- (
- String, :
- String, :
- String, :
- AuthRbacAssignableScopeType!], : [
- Int, :
- QuerySort!] : [
- ): AuthContextConnection
- # Entity representing this context
- Entity! :
- # Globally unique ID for Node interface
- ID! :
- # Boolean that indicates whether the user can create role bindings on this context
- #
- # **NOTE:** This API/functionality is in Alpha, This functionality can be unstable
- # and schema elements may change over future iterations.
- Boolean :
- # For a child context, field returns the immediate parent auth context. For
- # top-level contexts, this field will be null.
- AuthContext :
- # List of permissions this context has
- String!] : [
- }