
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type FindingSuppressionChange {
  • # The type of the request action
  • action: FindingSuppressionChangeAction!
  • # Auto approve the change request
  • approve: Boolean
  • # The request comment, free text. Used when user is reviewing a request
  • comment: String
  • # Updated suppression context
  • context: FindingSuppressionContext
  • # Time the request was created
  • creationTime: DateTime!
  • # Updated criteria
  • criteria: [FindingCriterion!]
  • # CSP Project Entities that are included
  • cspProjectEntities: [Entity!]
  • # Days until suppression will remain active
  • durationDays: Int
  • # The updated expiration time.
  • expiration: Date
  • # The last time this request was successfully updated
  • lastUpdateTime: DateTime!
  • # Cloud accounts IDs that are included
  • managementEndpoints: [ManagementEndpoint!]
  • # Project IDs that are included
  • projectIds: [String!]
  • # The request reason, free text
  • reason: String!
  • # User info about creator of the request.
  • requesterInfo: FindingUserInfo!
  • # Reviewer contains information about the user, that reviewed the suppression
  • # request
  • reviewerInfo: FindingUserInfo
  • # The status of the request
  • status: FindingSuppressionStatus!
  • }