
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type BusinessAppMutation {
  • # Delete the specified list of business applications. Note that this only deletes
  • # the business application itself,
  • # and not the members of the business application.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # entityId: [Not documented]
  • deleteBusinessApplications(entityId: [EntityId!]!): [Boolean!]
  • # Merge the specified list of business applications into a single one. Note that
  • # this will delete the passed in set of BAs
  • # and create a single BA which is the aggregation of the requested BA.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # entityId: [Not documented]
  • # entityName: The name of the aggregated BA. If not specified,
  • # the first input BA's name will be inherited.
  • mergeBusinessApplications(
  • entityId: [EntityId!]!,
  • entityName: String
  • ): Entity
  • # Group of bunch of applications and services into a business application.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • upsertBusinessApplications(
  • input: [BusinessAppDefinitionInput!]!
  • ): [Entity!]
  • }

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