GuardrailsTemplate - It is a collection of guardrail states as code including landing zone, preventive guardrails, detective guardrails, all expressed as code.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type GuardrailsTemplate implements Node {
- # Guardrails template category
- GuardrailsTemplateCategory! :
- # Representation of the desired state of a guardrail enforcement on private/public
- # cloud resources
- GuardrailsTemplateComposition :
- # Content Source Type
- GuardrailsContentSourceType :
- # CSP user who created guardrail template
- User! :
- # Timestamp at which guardrail template is created. Expressed in UTC ISO-8601
- # format
- DateTime! :
- # CSP project associated with guardrail template
- Entity :
- # Flag indicating whether the template is archived
- Boolean :
- # Guardrail template description
- String :
- # desired states created from this template
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Return records after the given cursor, as per GraphQL
- # Relay spec
- # before: Return records before the given cursor, as per GraphQL
- # Relay spec
- # first: Return first N records in a paged response, as per
- # GraphQL Relay spec
- String, : String, : Int): GuardrailsDesiredStateConnection ( :
- # Unique identifier for guardrail template
- ID! :
- # reference logical identifier for a library template. Only applicable if template
- # was created from a library template
- String :
- # logs generated if template is generated from an account
- GuardrailsLogs!]! : [
- # Guardrail template name
- String! :
- # Parameters required to run guardrail template.
- JSON :
- # Content Source - contains Git configuration
- JSON :
- # Guardrail Template Status
- GuardrailsTemplateStatus! :
- # Guardrail Template Status code
- GuardrailsTemplateStatusCode :
- # It contains human readable JSON representation of template states.
- JSON :
- # Meta to represent details like name, description, category or anything related
- # to Guardrails.
- JSON :
- # CSP user who updated guardrail template
- User :
- # Timestamp at which guardrail template is updated. Expressed in UTC ISO-8601
- # format
- DateTime :
- # Guardrail template version
- String :
- }